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Wordfast Server

Wordfast Server (WFS) is a secure TM and glossary server application that allows for real-time collaboration among globally distributed translators.
5 articles

Deploying and setting up Wordfast Server

WfServer.exe is a stand-alone Windows application. It does not need any installation. It does not need any DLL. WfServer.exe can be dropped in any folder and started.WfServer.exe can be declared as a Windows start-up application (launched when Windows starts) so that it launches itself if the system...

How to license Wordfast Server

A license is a contractual agreement between Wordfast LLC and the user to use Wordfast Server (WFS). A license is materialized as a code issued by the licensing party–Wordfast LLC—in response to a given Install number. The Install number of a WFS installation is found in the Setup > General pane. Th...

Technical specifications and data protection

What is Wordfast Server? Wordfast Server (WFS) is a translation memory (TM) and terminology server. Supported platforms WFS runs as a Windows application on any Windows machine that is connected to the Internet. Those include Windows 2000™, Windows XP™, Windows Server™ 2000–2022, Windows Vista™, Windo...

Video tutorials

See the full playlist of Wordfast Server tutorials on our YouTube channel.

Upgrading Wordfast Server

To upgrade your installation of Wordfast Server, please follow these steps: Shut down your current instance of Wordfast Server. Rename the executable file (WfServer.exe) of your current instance WfServerOLD_YYMMDD.exe. Download and unzip the latest version of Wordfast Server. Place the new WfServer....