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Wordfast FAQ & Tools

Wordfast produces software solutions for professional translators and translation companies. The core technologies and features include: translation memory (TM), terminology management, quality assurance, concordance searching, and alignment.
6 articles

Wordfast user badges

You can download these Wordfast User badges and use them on your website, blogs, social media, email signature, etc.

How to renew a Wordfast license

As per the Wordfast license agreement, Wordfast licenses are valid for three years. When your license is about to expire or after it expires, you have the right to renew it to continue using Wordfast. The cost of a license renewal is 50% off the list price of a new license. You can check the current...

What is alignment?

Alignment is a procedure used to generate translation memories from pairs of source documents and their translations, called target documents.Alignment usually involves three steps: Software, usually referred to as an aligner or alignment tool, automatically segments the source and target documents,...

What is a translation memory?

A translation memory, or TM, is a database that stores so-called "segments", which can be sentences or sentence-like units (headings, titles or elements in a list) that have previously been translated. A translation memory system stores the words, phrases and paragraphs that have already been transl...

Wordfast AutoAligner

Wordfast AutoAligner allows you to align source and target documents translated without a translation memory tool and create a translation memory. How to use Wordfast AutoAligner To align your source and target files using AutoAligner, follow these steps: Using your browser, log in to (or create a ne...

Wordfast Desktop Aligner

If you have a valid Wordfast Pro license, you can use the Wordfast Desktop Aligner, which is available when you install Wordfast Pro version 3 on a PC only. However, the Wordfast Desktop Aligner has not been updated since 2013. We recommend using one of our other alignment tools.You can access the D...