add-circle-bold add-circle add-square add alarm-bell-1 alert-diamond analytics-pie-2 archive archive arrow-down-1 arrow-down-2 arrow-left-1 arrow-right-1 arrow-up-1 attachment-1 bin-paper-1 book-star button-record check-1 check-circle-1 close close-quote close cog-1 cog common-file-stack copy-paste credit-card-1 diagram-fall-down disable time-clock-midnight download-thick-bottom drawer-send envelope-letter envelope-letter expand-6 expand-6 file-code filter-1 floppy-disk flying-insect-honey folder-file-1 headphones-customer-support hierarchy-9 hyperlink-2 information-circle keyboard-arrow-down keyboard-arrow-up layout-module-1 list-bullets lock-2 lock-unlock-1 love-it messages-bubble-square move-to-top multiple-circle multiple-neutral-1 multiple-users-1 navigation-menu-horizontal navigation-menu network-browser open-quote pencil-1 pencil-write pencil-1 print-text rating-star rating-star remove-circle remove-square-1 search send-email-1 shield-warning single-neutral-actions single-neutral smiley-sad-1 smiley-unhappy smiley-indifferent smiley-smile-1_1 smiley-happy smiley-sad-1 smiley-unhappy smiley-indifferent smiley-happy smiley-thrilled social-media-twitter synchronize-arrows-1 tags-double ticket-1 ticket-1 time-clock-circle undo view-1 view-off view wench

Wordfast Anywhere v6 Help


1. Start Guide

1.1 Getting started

Since January 1, 2023 Wordfast Anywhere is a credit-based service.

Since July 1, 2023 access to Wordfast Anywhere is done from

For full information click here.

The Wordfast Anywhere site is accessible via your browser. Please log in through your account at

1.1.1 Before Login How to create an account

Since January 1, 2023 Wordfast Anywhere is a credit-based service.

Since July 1, 2023 access to Wordfast Anywhere is done from .

You need to create an account on

To do so, visit our Buy page , select, then buy, the Wordfast Anywhere introductory offer at $1. That will create your new, paid WFA account at .

Warning.png If you have a Wordfast Anywhere account from, use the same email address.

Once your paid account is created, you will receive credentials to sign in at and manage your WFA account there.

To extend your credit after the trial period, log in to your paid WFA account, and select “Renew.” You will be able to purchase credit for 1 to 12 months at $9.90/month, with discounts available for periods longer than 3 months. Wordfast's tradition of offering a 50% discount to developing economies also applies.

It will be possible to leave your credit dormant (unpaid) and resume at any time. Just note that the shortest credit period is a calendar month. Get your password back

Since July 1, 2023 access to Wordfast Anywhere is done from .

If you already have a valid license to one of our other products, such as Wordfast Classic, Wordfast Pro, Wordfast Studio or Wordfast Anywhere:

Access is done from, please contact Wordfast hotline. Cannot log in to Wordfast Anywhere

Since July 1, 2023 access to Wordfast Anywhere is done from .

Warning.png We recommend to use Chrome or FireFox browsers as some cookie problems have been detected on IE and Safari.

If you already have a valid license to one of our other products, such as Wordfast Classic, Wordfast Pro, Wordfast Studio or Wordfast Anywhere:

  1. Make sure you access from your account at
  2. Make sure your Wordfast Classic, Wordfast Pro, or Wordfast Studio license is valid.
  3. Make sure your Wordfast Anywhere license has credit.
  4. Check Cookies and JavaScript are enabled on your browser and that you are not using the browser in incognito/private mode.
  5. If it still does not work, try to refresh the page, then log in.
  6. If it still does not work, try to clean your browser cache and cookies as it may contain old files. This operation is different on each browser and version. To know how to clean your cache try thiscache help page 1 and/or this cache help page 2 . Then refresh the page and log in.
  7. If it still does not work, check if the browser has some pending update. Then refresh the page and log in.
  8. If it still does not work, try a different browser.
  9. If it still does not work, please contact Wordfast hotline.

1.1.2 Login in to WFA account

Since January 1, 2023 Wordfast Anywhere is a credit-based service.

Since July 1, 2023 access to Wordfast Anywhere is done from .

If you already have a valid license to one of our other products, such as Wordfast Classic, Wordfast Pro, Wordfast Studio or Wordfast Anywhere:

You will have free access to Wordfast Anywhere after January 1, 2023, during the validity period for your other Wordfast product.

To access WFA, simply sign in at

The first time you log in you need to set up the initial configuration of the account. This configuration is minimal, allowing you to start translating immediately. You can always refine/change your configuration later.

You must specify the language pair (source and target) of your translation. Since English is the most used language in the world, its code (EN) is the default value. Enter a dash to the right of EN in the Source code language field to obtain a list of English versions available:

Initial dialog.png

Choose your source language and variant (if any). Then repeat for the target language. Finally, click OK.

WFA gives you the ability to translate each segment by online translation services called Machine Translation powered by different engines/companies. The translations proposed are not ever likely to be fully acceptable. However, by making a few small adjustments, you will be able to use them extensively in your translations.

Warning.png When using this service, the source segments that will return a translation are transmitted to the several engines. It is up to you whether or not to accept these translations; these companies are not made aware of your choice. However, be aware that sending the segments to any engine may raise privacy issues between you and your customers.

Notice.png Machine Translation (MT) is activated by default and will be used if your translation memory has no translation to offer. To disable the MT, or for more details on how it works, please see Machine translation.

1.1.3 Project content

If you are accessing for the first time, you see the content of your default project with your chosen language pair ready for your first document.

  • A project named "Project_1" is created by default. If you had an account before version 6, it will contain all the files from the previous version grouped by language pair.
  • Every document now belongs to a language pair, which in turn belongs to a project.
  • Double-click a project to open it to see the content (documents grouped by language pairs).
  • Double-click a document to start/resume work.

Notice.pngWordfast Anywhere 6 Basic Projects video

Project content.png

1.1.4 Create a New Project

On the Project tab click on Pm new project 16.pngNew to create a new project. This will open the Project Seup window where the settings for the project are done.

Warning.pngUp to 3 projects can be stored at any given time.

To access the project setup once the project has been created, when the project is opened click on the project name or on the Setup.png icon next to the project name.

Createproject.PNG Createproject1.PNG Createproject2.PNG

The Project Setup window has two sections that need to be set in order to create the project. Setting one section opens the next one.

On this section general information of the project is set. This includes:
  1. Project name (Compulsory)
  2. Description (optional)
  3. Project type. Defines the type of the project:
    • Standard: For translators working alone.
    • Advanced: For Project Managers (PMs) managing large, multi-language projects.
  4. Project status (for advanced type). Defines the status of the project:
    • In preparation (blue): When project is being prepared (files, TMs and glossaries and linguist being added)
    • In progress (orange): This marks the start of the project. Files are shared with the linguist at this point.
    • Completed (green): The project is finished.
  5. Currency(optional). It will be used to calculate the project cost.
  6. Decimals(optional). Use decimals when showing the project cost.
  7. Auto(optional). By default Project Manager will be responsible of pushing files to the next job when completion is done. Check it to automatically sent files to the next step upon completion
2.Language Pairs and tasks
On this section language pairs and tasks are added.
  • Use the + next to the language pair header to add a new language pair. This will open the language selection dialog and then the TM and glossaries dialog to assign them to the language pair.
  • Use the + at the end of the header row to add new tasks. Only 10 tasks can be added.
  • A row is shown for each language pair where the default word rate (left box) and speed rate (right box) for each task can be set.
  • Use the - next to the language pair to remove it. Warning.png Associated files and shares will be revoked.
  • Use the - next to the task name to remove it. Warning.png Associated files and shares will be revoked.

Once all compulsory fields are set, click on Save project to save the project and go to the Project Content panel.

Warning.png It is possible to move from standard to advanced but opposite is only possible if the advanced project has only one task.

1.1.5 Upload a document

Since January 1, 2023 Wordfast Anywhere is a credit-based service.

Since July 1, 2023 access to Wordfast Anywhere is done from .

If you already have a valid license to one of our other products, such as Wordfast Classic, Wordfast Pro, Wordfast Studio or Wordfast Anywhere:

You will have free access to Wordfast Anywhere after January 1, 2023, during the validity period for your other Wordfast product.

To translate your document, you must first upload it to WFA.

Warning.png There is a file size limit of 20 Mb.

From the Project Content Panel there are two ways to add files to a project.

  • Using the Add File To Project16.png icon on the header will add the files to all the languages in the project.
  • Using the Add File To Project16.png icon on the language row. This will add the files only to that language.


The following window will be displayed:

Upload doc.png

There are several ways to upload a document

  • From local file: Use Browse... to navigate through the directories on your computer and locate the document to be uploaded.
  • From URL: This option allows you to upload a file that is located on an Internet server by entering the address (URL) into the field. This feature is useful for tablet computers and other mobile devices that do not possess a hard drive.
  • From Google Drive: Choose a file from your Google Drive to be uploaded. You'll be asked to allow access rights to WFA before choosing the file. This feature is useful for tablet computers and other mobile devices that do not possess a hard drive.
  • From Dropbox: Choose a file from your Dropbox to be uploaded. You'll be asked to allow access rights to WFA before choosing the file. This feature is useful for tablet computers and other mobile devices that do not possess a hard drive.
  • From Clipboard: Paste the text to be uploaded into the text area. A text file will be created with the text.

At the bottom of the window click on View allowed formats to check the allowed formats:

Finally click on:

  • Upload: to only upload the file, which will be listed on the Document Management.
  • Upload and Open: to upload and open the document, which will be displayed in the document panel.

Warning.png Depending on the size of the file, this may take some time. Please be patient.

Upload can also be done by using drag and drop area.

1.1.6 Setting up language pair, Translation Memories and glossaries Language pair with its associated TMs and glossaries set in the project setup

To access the project setup dialog, when the project is opened click on the project name or on the Setup.png icon next to the project name.

Project setup.png

Click on the language pair + button.

Langpair dialog.png

Enter the languages and save, the TMs and glossaries dialog opens.

Tmglo langpair.png

  • If no TM and glossary exists for the language pair, a new dialog will propose you to create them. Save and wait they are listed.
  • You can create and choose one or more TMs and glossaries. They are selected by checking the row in the Active column.

Tmglo langpair 2.png

Finally save the TMs and glossaries selection by clicking on the Save button. The new language pair is now in the project setup and one icon is displayed for each TM and glossary.

Project setup 2.png

Warning.png The TMS and glossaries can be updated for a language pair by clicking on the icons. But if documents already exists for that language pair, they will not be affected by this change, only new documents added after the update. TMs and glossaries set individually for a document

This selection for a document is overwriting the Language pair selection. In the project content select a document by checking it and then click on the TMs and glossaries button Preferences16round.png of the File menu.

Project content 3.png

The same TMs and glossaries dialog opens.

Tmglo langpair 3.png

Saving will update only the TMs and glossaries for the selected document. A control can done hovering the TM icon.

Project content 2.png

1.1.7 Setting up Machine Translation

The Machine Translation setting is done In the general setup dialog. Click on the Setup button Preferences.png of the Wordfast Anywhere menu and go to the MT tab.


To disable an engine just uncheck it in the list.

To enable an existing engine in the list, just check it and run a test with the Test button.

To add a new one click on the Add button.

Warning.png When using this service, the source segments that will return a translation are transmitted to the several engines. It is up to you whether or not to accept these translations; these companies are not made aware of your choice. However, be aware that sending the segments to any engine may raise privacy issues between you and your customers.

When reactivating MT engines, you will have the following warning:

Initial dialog mt.png

1.2 Translating a document

1.2.1 Document translation

Your TM and document are now ready. You can start a translation session.


Click on the Start/Next button StartNext.png of the Translation tab. The first segment opens.

Basic to know about the segment:

  • The source segment. It is not editable by default.
  • The target segment. It is editable - this where you type your translation.
  • There are 3 possible views of the segment: Classic, Horizontal (the default) and vertical (To change go to View tab => Doc Layout button Batchmonitor16 views.png).
  • If there is no proposition from the TM, WFA will prefill the target with Machine Translation (MT). Machine Translation will be proposed against an orange background.
  • If an exact source text exists in the TM (an "exact" match or 100%), the corresponding translation will be proposed against a green background.
  • If a similar source text exists in the TM (a "fuzzy" match lower than 100%), its translation will be proposed against a yellow background, and differences will be highlighted.
  • If you are re-opening an already translated segment, the existing translation will have a pink background.

Notice.png When translating, the segments are saved automatically in the translation memory and on the database system as soon as you go to the next segment.

We recommend the use of the Alt+Down shortcut for this basic action. Common actions are associated to shortcuts (see Wordfast Anywhere tab => Setup button Setup.png => Shortcuts tab).

Click on the Close & Commit button CloseSave.png to end the translation session.

Notice.png When WFA load a big document, not all the content is visible on the screen. The document is loaded bit by bit while you are translating. However, you can move inside the document by using the buttons on the View tab.

Notice.png An auto-suggest feature is enabled by default to help you translate. It will propose you non translatable words or phrases, terminology. If you want to recopy a tag from the source segment please type < to trigger the tags proposal.


Check the Translation section on the Wordfast Anywhere Manual for more information.

1.2.2 Document delivery

  • Click on File tab.
  • Click on the Download button Save16.png .
  • Choose Translated document and click on the OK button.

Warning.png For download issues, please check this link

Verify documents after download. Note that you can have no more than 10 documents in your Workspace at any time: delete translated documents from the Workspace after verification to free space for more documents.

1.2.3 Shortcuts and buttons for main features

This start guide assumes the basic of the CAT tool. Please refer to the Learn more about... chapter for a full explanation of all features.

Translation Start translation / Next segment Alt+Down StartNext.png Starts a translation session by opening the currently selected segment / Commits the current segment to TM and opens the next segment.
Translation Previous segment Alt+Up Previous.png Commits the current segment to TM and opens the previous segment.
Translation Close & Commit Alt+End CloseSave.png Ends translation by closing the current segment and committing it to the TM.
Translation Close Shift+Alt+End Close.png Ends translation by closing the current segment without committing it to the TM.
Translation Close & Delete Alt+Delete Close restore.png Ends translation by closing the current segment and emptying the target. Do not commit to TM.
Translation Provisional segment F10 Mark.png Marks a segment as provisional with a yellow Post-It.
Translation Copy Source Alt+Insert CopySource.png Copies the source segment over the target segment.
Translation Expand Alt+PgDn ExpandSeg.png Expands a segment, if it actually extends beyond the punctuation mark (wrong segmentation). Note that a segment cannot be extended beyond a paragraph mark, page break, tabulator, or table cell.
Translation Shrink Alt+PageUp ShrinkSeg.png Reverses any use of the Expand segment command.
Translation Translate Shift+Ctrl+PgDn TranslateUntilFuzzy.png Translates until a non-exact match is found.
Translation Toggle empty Ctrl+Alt+X Cleanup Project16.png Empty the target - remove the tags from the target - restore the original target
Wordfast Anywhere Wordfast setup Ctrl+Alt+W Setup.png Opens the Wordfast Anywhere general setup dialog.
Edit Search & Replace FindReplace.png Search and replace in the document.
TMs and glossaries TMs and glossaries setup Preferences16round.png Opens the TMs and glossaries setup dialog.
TMs and glossaries Concordance search Ctrl+Alt+C ConcordanceSearch.png Looks up TUs in the TM containing a specific word or expression.
TMs and glossaries Glossary Search Ctrl+Alt+G GlossarySearch.png Looks up a term in the glossary
TMs and glossaries Add term to glossary Ctrl+Alt+T TermEdit.png Pops up a glossary term entry form.
TMs and glossaries Copy TU Alt+right CopyTU.png Copy a TU from the TM panel to the target segment. If many, press many times, it will start by copying the second one assuming the first one is already copied. The TU can be a MT proposal.
TMs and glossaries Delete TU DeleteTU.png Delete from TM the current or selected TU visible in the TM panel.
View TM pane Ctrl+Alt+M PanelTm.png Closes or opens the TM pane.
View Glossary pane Ctrl+Alt+H PanelGlo.png Closes or opens the Glossary (Terminology) pane.
View Outline pane PanelOutline.png Closes or opens the Outline. The outline is a view of all the segments showing which ones are translated but also which ones have notes or are provisional.
View Move next block Page Down MoveNextScreen.png Move to the next block of document's content.
View Move previous block Page Up MovePrevScreen.png Move to the previous block of document's content.

1.3 More Information

This is a start guide.

  • Check the FAQ to check the Frequent Asked Questions.
  • Check the Wordfast Anywhere 6 Manual for more information.
  • Check this Videos for a couple of Youtube channels with WFA information.

2. FAQ

2.1 General

2.1.1 Cannot log in to Wordfast Anywhere

Check the Cannot log in to Wordfast Anywhere section on the Start Guide.

2.1.2 How can I change my password

You will find the instructions on the Get your password back section on the Start Guide.

2.1.3 Wordfast Anywhere Manuals

All Wordfast Anywhere are on this page.

2.1.4 Why I get email notifications about my document or account going to be deleted (Termination of Service)

There are some reasons why you might get a notification about documents or account going to be deleted:

Accounts: If an account has not been accessed for six months, the account's owner will receive a notification that her/his account will be deleted in 20 days. To cancel the upcoming account termination, simply log once into your Wordfast Anywhere account. If no access is made to the account within 10 days, a second notification will be emailed. If no access is made within 10 days of the second notification, the account will be deleted, together with its content (documents, TMs, glossaries).

Documents: Documents that have not been accessed, edited, or used for more than 3 months will be deleted at the end of the 4th month, after two emailed warnings.

For more information check our Terms of use page.

2.1.5 Can I get help and support?

Sure, this are the different ways:

Warning.png Technical support is only in English

2.2 Document

2.2.1 How can I fix a document when download failed?

There are many complex reasons that make a download to fail.

Check first the error message. If it indicates a segment or a segment range, check it first carefully. If the segment indicated in the error message looks fine, the problem may be on a different segment.

If nothing seem to work, you can restore the document following the steps on the section Restore the document.

Here are the most common causes of downloading problems: Check Segmentation settings

Check there is a segmentation style set on Segmentation tab on Setup settings.( Setup.png Setup button on Wordfast Anywhere tab). If there is none, check one options for example "Wordfast". Tag differences

How to detect it: The file does not download (error aligning segment #), the file downloads but some text is missing, the file downloads but styles are wrong.

Differences on the formatting tags (<1>, <2>) between source and target segment can make the file filter aligner have difficulties to build up the translated document.

Check there are no segments with tag difference using one of this options:

  1. Click on Statistics16.pngStatistics button on File tab to get a report. Check if there are any segments with tag difference. Use Show Outline PanelOutline.png button on View tab to go straight to one segment.
  2. Click on FindReplace.pngFind & Replace button on Edit tab. Go to Miscellaneous tab and run a Tag difference search. Segments with tag differences will be listed.

If you find segments with tag differences, make sure:

  1. There is no target tag missing that exists on source. For example [<1>text text<2>] on source but [text text<2>] on target.
  2. The target tag order is the same than source tag order. For example [<1>text text<2>] on source should also be [<1>text text<2>] on target, being [<2>text text<1>] is wrong.
  3. The target tag content should be identical with the source tag. You can see the content of the tag when the mouse is over it.

Warning.png We do not recommend to use copy/paste or drag and drop to copy the tags as it can copy more than the eye can see and be problematic. It is better to use the the auto-suggest feature with tags (whenever you want to add a tag just type < and the list of tags from source will be proposed for selection) or the Copy Placeable16.png Copy Placeable on Translation tab. Re-segmentation

How to detect it: The file does not download, the file does not download and the error message contains error aligning segment # but segment # is fine. (Usually is error aligning segment 1)

A too much use of re-segmentation with the ShrinkSeg.pngShrink or Expand Segment16.png Expand tools can make the file filter aligner have difficulties to build up the translated document because the segments from the original source file are too different from the re-segmented file.

Warning.png A warning when the use of re-segmentation is over the 5% of the document is shown while translating to inform that it has been used in excess and might cause problems when downloading. Though depending on the number of segments of the document even a 1% can be problematic.

Warning.png Mouse-over the file name to see the "number of segments" and the "Initial segments".

Segmentation problems when uploading a file can be improved by creating or completing the abbreviations list of your source language before starting translation. Click on Setup button on Wordfast Anywhere tab and got to Segmentation tab.

Download can be solved by uploading again the source file (a copy) and without any re-segmentation use the same TM to pre-translate the file. Complete the untranslated segments before downloading. Before uploading the copy of the file, it is good to make sure the TM is updated with the problematic file TUs (Update TM from doc). Segments on Segment History

How to detect it: The file does not download and the error message contains error aligning segment # but segment # is fine. (Usually is error aligning segment 1)

When Segment history is used and there are too many segments saved in the history it might cause trouble when downloading the file due to the big amount of information to be processed.

Download can be solved by using Delete revisions.png: Delete history on Edit tab for one segment or remove all segment history from document on File tab => Statistics16.png Statistics button for all the document. Excel File limitations

Excel files (XLS, XLSX) have some specific rules on the worksheet which the translated text must follow.

When working with Excel files (XLS, XLSX) check this restrictions when it comes to renaming a worksheet:

  1. A worksheet name cannot be blank.
  2. A worksheet name cannot be repeated. That means that each worksheet name must be different.
    The error message would be something like this: Error on segment 1. Problem aligning document. Segment id: XXX The same worksheet name already exists, where XXX would be the problematic segment that needs to be fixed.
  3. A worksheet name cannot exceed 31 characters in length. That means worksheet name must be reduced to less than 31 characters.
    The error message would be something like this: Error on segment 1...->The translation of the Excel Sheet name(s) in Segment/s [XXX] exceed 31 characters, which is not allowed in Excel. Please reduce the text's length and start again., where XXX would be the problematic segment that needs to be fixed. You could found the number of characters of a segment at the bottom status bar next to the TM information.
  4. On a worksheet name the following characters cannot be used \ / ? : * [ ] .That means these characters must be removed from that segment.
    The error message would be something like this: Error on segment 1...->The translation of the Excel Sheet name(s) in Segment/s [XXX] contains forbidden characters, which is not allowed in Excel. Check the name does not contain ?*:[]/\, where XXX would be the problematic segment that needs to be fixed. Translate hyperlink (URL)

How to detect it: Only a part of the file is downloaded but no error is shown. The last segment on the downloaded file is the previous one to a segment that is just a URL (Usually on DOCX)

When uploading a file some settings are applied, one of this is to Translate hyperlink value. Some times this creates problems when aligning the file to be downloaded. The downloaded file seems cut just on the segment with the URL.

Download can be solved changing the settings and uploading the file again. Follow this steps:

  1. Go to Wordfast Anywhere tab > Preferences.pngSetup button > Pandora's box #8 More information
  2. Go to doc, docx, rtf tab.
  3. Uncheck Translate hyperlink value.
  4. Save the settings.
  5. Upload the file again.
  6. Pre-translate using the same TM.
  7. Download. Corrupted File

How to detect it: The file does not download, or just downloads a part of the file but no error is shown. (Usually on DOCX, XLSX and PPTX files)

WFA checks the file when it is uploaded to detect if it is corrupted to prevent it is uploaded. If the file manage to skip detection it will not download because the problem comes from the source file.

When the problem is coming from a corrupted source file. Here is a way to recover your translation with a new file:

  1. Do not delete the file you are trying to download (corrupted-file) or you'll loose all the work.
  2. Download the bilingual file of the document having problem (corrupted-file), using File > Save16.png Download > Bilingual (+info).
  3. On your local PC, open your original file(corrupted-file) and use "Save as" to make a copy with a different name and format (copy-file). For example if corrupted-file is a DOCX use "Save as>Word 97-2003" to make a DOC copy-file.
  4. Upload this copy of the file (copy-file) to Wordfast Anywhere.
  5. Try to download the new file (copy-file) immediately by clicking in Download button on File tab and choose Translated document/s. If download do not work, you need to review the file because there is some problem in it, and do again steps 4 and 5 for this file.
  6. When the new file (copy-file) can be downloaded, you need to merge it with the previously saved bilingual file (step 2), using File > Mergetms16.pngMerge bilingual (+info).
    1. Check Merge an existing document and click on the new file(copy-file) from the list to select it.
    2. Click on the Upload button and browse your local disk to find the bilingual file (step 2).
    3. Click on the Submit button to start the upload and merge, then wait the report window.
    4. The file will load in the editor and a report will be shown. Close the Merge dialog window. Restore a document

If your case does not seem to fit in any of the previous cases, there is a way to restore the document. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Save the bilingual file (File > Save16.png Download > Bilingual +info )
  2. Upload a copy of the original file and try to download it to be sure the file is fine.
  3. Merge the previously saved bilingual file with the newly uploaded copy of the original file (File > Mergetms16.pngMerge bilingual +info)
  4. Read the report and try to download.
  5. Complete the untranslated segments. Help and support

For more information check the Wordfast Anywhere Manuals section.

To have our support check the Can I get help and support? section.

2.2.2 Why do I get a zip file when downloading?

When downloading a file, there are some reasons why you can get a compressed to ZIP format (*.zip) file instead of the original source file extension:

  • The size of the document is greater than 10 megabyte.
  • The file name contains some special characters (for instance a space) that cannot be used as a web name for download.
  • You chose "Send file to email" or "Create file URL".
  • You requested to download a PDF version of the file.

All this situations may create some havoc on our server file system or when attaching the file to be send by email. To prevent that, we use zip files as a container to be sure there will be no naming problem. We also keep the original name of the file inside the zip, so file name is not changed.

To open a zip file, here are some ways to do it. You can also use tools like WinRar or 7-zip on Windows and The Unarchiver on Mac.

2.2.3 Why do I get a txlf bilingual file instead of a txml bilingual file?

On September 2018 WFA updated the filters used to convert any document into a bilingual file. By default the bilingual file type used is TXLF.

In case you need to work with a TXML bilingual file type you can change this default setting. To do so, you need to go to Wordfast Anywhere tab > Preferences.png Setup button > Pandora's box #8

Warning.png The download bilingual file will be of the type used when the file was uploaded. For example if the file was uploaded using TXML, the bilingual download will be TXML. A file cannot be uploaded using one type (TXML) and download the bilingual file of the other type (TXLF). The workaround is to change the type (More information) and upload the file again.

2.2.4 Why do I get a bilingual file (txml, txlf, xlf, xliff, sdlxliff) when downloading a Translated document?

When using File tab > Save16.png Download button > Translated document/s you'll get the translated version of the source document in the same file type.

That means if you uploaded a DOCX file, the translated file will be also a DOCX file.

If you uploaded a XLS file, the translated file will be also a XLS file.

If you uploaded a TXML file, the translated file will be also a TXML file.

If you uploaded a SDLXLIFF file, the translated file will be also a SDLXLIFF file.

And so on.

Txml, txlf, xlf, xliff and sdlxliff are bilingual files, so if you upload them the translated file will be of the same type because Wordfast Anywhere cannot convert them to the file type of the source document from where they where extracted.

Converting a bilingual file back to the original file type should be done with the tool which did the first conversion and with the original file as it will also be needed.

2.2.5 If I cannot download the translated document, is it possible to have at least the translated segments to copy/paste them?

Yes, you can download the file in 'Text only' format.

  • Go to File tab
  • Click on Download button
  • Choose Unformatted text from the list, and click OK'
  • Choose one of the downloading options and click OK

The text will be downloaded in a text file without formatting.

2.2.6 Can I download a Wordfast Classic-compatible bilingual document file?

This is possible for a MS-Word document (*.doc, *.docx).

  • Go to File tab
  • Click on Download button
  • Choose Bilingual DOC original from the list, and click OK'
  • Choose one of the downloading options and click OK

2.2.7 When I am about to download the file, a dialog box says that some non translated segments remain - how can we go back to them?

There are two ways to go to the non translated segments.

  1. Use Outline.
    • Click on Show/Hide Outline button on View tab.
    • Translated segments are displayed with a green square and non translated ones with a grey square.
  2. Use Find & Replace.
    • Click on Find & Replace button on Edit tab.
    • Go to Miscellaneous tab
    • Choose Untranslated and click on Find button.
    • Untranslated segments will be search and result will be displayed on a list. To view the list use the MoveNextScreen.png button.

2.2.8 What can I do when a document upload failed?

There are many complex reasons that make a upload to fail.

Usually the file has some problem that makes the filter unable to extract the bilingual file from it.

Check first the error message. You might get any clue of what is happening to the file.

Here are the most common causes of downloading problems: Check Segmentation settings

Check there is a segmentation style set on Segmentation tab on Setup settings.( Setup.png Setup button on Wordfast Anywhere tab). If there is none, check one options for example "Wordfast". Filter settings

Set the filter settings to default and try again. You can find the filter settings on Wordfast Anywhere tab > Preferences.png Setup button > Pandora's box #8 More information Hyperlinks

Sometimes there are hyperlinks on the file that make havoc on the filter. Uncheck them and try again. This is common with MS Office files.

  1. Go to Wordfast Anywhere tab > Preferences.png Setup button > Pandora's box #8 More information
  2. Go to document type tab.
  3. Uncheck Translate hyperlink value.
  4. Save the settings.
  5. Upload the file again. DOCX, XLSX, PPTX

Sometimes the latest version of the MS Office files (extension ends in X) have some style or property that is not of the liking of the filter. Use "Save as" option on MS Office to save a 97-2003 version of the file and try to upload it again. Bilingual file (txml, txlf, xlf, xliff, sdlxliff)

How to detect it: You get the message Document Languages [X1>Y1] do not match project languages [X2>Y2]. when you upload a bilingual file.

Bilingual files can only be uploaded to a project language pair that matches exactly the language pair defined in the bilingual file.

If the project does not have the language pair defined on the file, create it first and then upload the file to it. (How create a language pair)

2.2.9 How can I upload a PDF document?

PDF files can not be uploaded directly to WFA because they contains images of text, rather than actual text. But they can be converted into Word, which can be uploaded into WFA.

Just upload the PDF document (as any other document) and follow the instructions on the disclaimer which basically are:

  1. Download a Word version of the file using the button at the bottom of the disclaimer.
  2. Review it to be sure the conversion is fine.
  3. Finally upload the word version to be translated.

Once the document has been translated you'll be able to download it as PDF using the download options.

Warning.png PDF to Word conversion process may take some time (up to 10 minutes) depending on the size and content of the PDF, be patient.

Warning.png The conversion process is complex and depends on the quality of the PDF and how the PDF was built.

Warning.png PDF that can be edited, PDF that have any password protection or PDF that have some security restrictions in them cannot be converted because permissions are needed.

2.2.10 Wordfast Anywhere cannot upload my MS-Office file, why?

Sometimes the original file can be in a corrupted state

  • Open the file and save it under a new name.
  • Try also to save it under a newer version like from *.doc to *.docx.

2.2.11 Can I upload and translate a pre-segmented document file (pre-segmented or pre-translated with Wordfast Classic)?

At the moment, it is only possible for TXML files. For all other files, it is not possible, Wordfast Anywhere accepts only cleaned documents.

An alternative would be to clean up a copy of your segmented document in order to create a memory.

Then, you can upload the cleaned document and the memory.

2.2.12 What shall I do with the red number inside a segment?

The red numbers are tags representing a formatting in the original document.

Avoid removing them and try to put them properly in the target segment.

This is a simple alternative to a fully WYSIWYG display of the document.

2.2.13 How can I recover a document that has been accidentally deleted?

There is no direct way to recover a deleted document. But there is a workaround:

  • Upload again the source document
  • Pre-translate it using the same TM that was used on the deleted cocument

2.2.14 How do I use FireFox spellcheck for my language?

You need to install at least the dictionary of your language. See details in this video

2.2.15 Why I don't see all the document? What <Beginning of block> and <End of block> mean?

If the file is long, it is loaded in blocks. To fasten the application, a document may be partially loaded.

In that case, the document chunk is marked with 2 of the following tags:

  • <Beginning of file>
  • <Beginning of block>
  • <End of block>
  • <End of file>

A block is a chunk of document, not corresponding with a page or any existing subdivision.

When translating, the next sentences are added bit by bit to the initially loaded block of sentences.

Each time a segment is modified, the document is saved on the server. So don't worry, if you cannot visualize all your document.

You can navigate through the document using buttons in View Tab and shortcuts.

2.3 TM

2.3.1 How can I change the TM language pair?

Wordfast Anywhere document now belongs to a language pair, which in turn belongs to a project.

Each language pair has one or more associated TMs and/or glossaries, and each document added in a language pair is linked automatically to those TMs and glossaries.You can choose to upload documents for one language pair, or for all language pairs in a project.

Selecting TMs and/or glossaries is done when setting up a language pair in the project setup. It can also be done, as before, when changing TMs and glossaries for a selected document using the TMs and glossaries button in the File menu.

A global TM and Glossaries setup dialog is now located on wordfast anywhere menu and used only for management (create, add, upload, merge, edit, download, delete... ), no more for assignment.

More information can be found on the Start guide

2.3.2 How can I add a new Translation Memory?

Follow this link to the Manual: Create a new TM

2.3.3 How can I get my Translation Memory?

Go to the TM and Glossary management dialog by clicking on Setup TM&Glo button on Wordfast Anywhere Menu.

Once on the dialog, choose the TM you want to download and click on Download button.

2.3.4 Can I share a Translation Memory with my colleagues?

Yes, you can share a TM and a glossary over the world to chosen guests.

  • Go to the TM and Glossary management dialog by clicking on Setup TM&Glo button on Wordfast Anywhere Menu.
  • Create or select a TM and an optional glossary.
  • Click on the Share button.
  • Click Add to open the Create a share dialog.
  • Add the TM and optionally the glossary that you want to share and set its privilege.
  • Add the email of your guest.
  • Click on Save button. Guests will get an email notification and will find the TM on their TM list.

2.3.5 How can I join a Translation Memory shared by my colleague?

You will find the shared TMs on your list of TMs.

Go to the TM and Glossary management dialog by clicking on Setup TM&Glo button on Wordfast Anywhere Menu.

A shared TM will have an icon indicating it is shared, and passing the mouse over it will provide more information.

Also clicking on the Share button will open the TMs and Glossaries Shares dialog where mor information could be found on My shares from other users section.

2.3.6 Why do I have no match in my TM on repetitive phrases?

The repetitive phrase should represent at least 50% of the entire sentence. The TM is searching similarity on the entire sentence. The minimum fuzzy Threshold is 50% and the default value is 70%. You have 2 solutions to overcome that problem:

  • Set the fuzzy Threshold to the minimum of 50% if you have big repetitive chunks of text.
  • Use a glossary and add manually the terms and phrases in it when you encounter repetition.

2.3.7 There is no match on a similar sentence just following the translated one

The problem occurs because the search for the following segment is done while you are translating the current one. When you are in that case, just click on Force TM Search button on TMs & Glossaries tab.

2.3.8 TM Maintenance Edit TM - Concordance

Faqtm1.PNG Edit TM - Download



Faqtm4.PNG Edit TM - Download using filtering


Faqtm6.PNG Edit TM - As a document



Faqtm9.PNG Reverse TM

Faqtm10.PNG Assemble TMs



2.4 Glossary

2.4.1 How can I add a new Glossary?

Follow this link to the Manual: Create a new Glossary

2.4.2 How can I add, edit or delete glossary entries?

  • Associate a glossary to a document and open the document.
  • The glossary panel on the right should be opened. When a sentence contains a term of the glossary, it will be displayed there.
  • Use the glossary dialog box to add a term when translating.
    1. Click on Term Edition button on TM & Glosaries tab or Ctrl+Alt+T.
    2. Fill the dialog and validate with OK, the term should appear in the Glossary panel.
  • Edit or delete a term displayed in the glossary panel.
    1. A sentence containing that term should be opened or you just create one.
    2. Click on the term in the glossary panel to open the glossary dialog box.
  • Use the glossary search window.
    1. Click on Glossary Search button on TM & Glosaries tab or Ctrl+Alt+G.
    2. An independent browser window will be opened (care popup blocker)
    3. You can search and edit terms directly in that window.

2.4.3 Glossary Maintenance Edit glossary - Download

Faqglo1.PNG Edit TM - Download

Faqglo2.PNG Edit glossary - Add Term

Faqglo3.PNG Edit glossary - Glossary Panel

Faqglo4.PNG Reverse Glossary

Faqglo5.PNG Assemble Glossaries


2.5 Machine Translation and IATE Glossary

Follow this link: Set Machine Translation

2.5.1 Why my Machine Translation doesn't respond or has been disabled

Machine Translations suggestions are external to Wordfast Anywhere.

Machine Translations are third-party providers (Google, Microsoft, MyMemory...etc) called Machine Translation Engines or Engines, so Wordfast Anywhere cannot improve/change anything on them.

Engines can suffer from problems of instability which can force Wordfast Anywhere to disable it temporarily. If you are having problems with an Engine try to increase the "Engine Timeout" or try a different one. We encourage you to register to other Machine Translation engines existing in Wordfast Anywhere.

Follow this link to know more about Machine Translation settings and how to change them.

2.6 User Interface

2.6.1 What are the supported browsers?

Wordfast Anywhere support Edge, Firefox, Safari, Chrome for recent versions. However, you can try any browser.

2.6.2 Where are my documents?

Content is displayed this way:

  • Every document now belongs to a language pair, which in turn belongs to a project.
  • Double-click a project to open it to see the content (documents grouped by language pairs).
  • Double-click a document to start/resume work.

If you don't see your documents, you might probably be on the project list view.Double-click a project to open it to see the content (documents grouped by language pairs).

Warning.png A project named "Project_1" has been created with all your current files grouped by lang pair.

2.6.3 I cannot click on a top menu bar button. Why are some buttons on the top menu bar not available?

Warning.png Menus and buttons now will be visible when they can be used. Can be activated when selecting/opening a project or selecting/opening a document.

Warning.png Some buttons will be available only when a project is opened.

Warning.png Some buttons will be available when a project is selected from the project list.

Warning.png Some buttons will be available when more than one file is selected from the document list.

Warning.png Some buttons will be available only when a document is opened.

Warning.png Some buttons will NOT be available when a document is opened.

Warning.png The file Upload and Delete buttons of the File menu have been moved and integrated in the project content panel, open a project to see them.

Warning.png Menus used for translation (Edit, view, translation, review and TM & Glossaries) are only visible when the document is opened. Those buttons keep working as always, just need to open the document.

Warning.png Project menu> Import button is just to import .glp files. There is an issue importing packages coming from PD. If you cannot import the .glp file, please ask to receive the bilingual files (txml/txlf) and the url for the TM/glossary.

2.6.4 A shortcut does not work, can I change it?

Yes,you can change it.

  1. Click on Setup button on Wordfast Anywhere tab and go to the Shortcuts tab.
  2. Select the shortcut line and click on the upd link.
  3. Set a new key combination and clikc on Update

However, you may have trouble with Opera (prevent many for its own usage).

2.6.5 When I click on Concordance Search or Glossary search, nothing happens!

It may happen if your browser popup blocker is activated. Add an exception for WFA.

2.6.6 Why are there blinking colors in the status bar?

It means that there is a background process:

  • The pink color indicates a communication with Anywhere server
  • The yellow color indicates a communication with the Machine Translation server

You can work while the colors are displayed. However, if you scroll while a color is displayed, the red message busy will appear, and you will have to wait.

2.6.7 I have a missing button image or missing the Twitter "Follow @wordfast_freetm" button

This can come from the AdBlock or similar program extension in your browser. Please add the domain to program's exception list.

3. Manual

3.1 Introduction

Wordfast Anywhere (WFA) is the online version of the popular Wordfast computer assisted translation (CAT) program that provides much of the functionality of the Classic and Pro desktop versions. Instead of being installed as a program on the user’s computer, WFA is made accessible from Wordfast’s servers via a web browser, regardless of the operating system used (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.). Every effort has been made to ensure that the user interface is as close as possible to the other Wordfast flavours: toolbars, icons, shortcuts and working methods. A Wordfast Classic or Pro user should be able to use WFA with almost zero assimilation time.

It is worth remarking that WFA is almost certainly the CAT program that integrates best with the popular Mac operating system. Unlike Java-based, cross-platform programs – including Wordfast Pro – that will run on the Mac but don’t integrate with system-wide tools such as the built in Dictionary, WFA will run in Mac-native browsers such as Safari, thus giving you access to the entire range of language and text handling tools that are built into the Mac OS environment.

WFA pagina 5 new.jpg WFA pagina 6 new.jpg

With WFA you can translate a wide range of both editable (TXT, DOC, DOCX, RTF, XLS, PPT, ODT, HTML, TXML, MIF, INX, etc.) and non-editable (PDF, TIFF) documents. You can store up ten current documents in your workspace, deleting your finished translations to free up space and permit new documents to be uploaded.

You can also import the TMs (translation memories) of all the language pairs you work in. Your memories will progressively expand as and when you translate. They are stored securely and will not be shared or revealed without your authorisation. If you need a local copy, you can download your TM to your computer at any time.

As is the case with other Wordfast flavours, you can add terms to your glossary as you translate. You can also upload existing glossaries to your workspace, for all language pairs. Here again, your glossaries are secure and will not be shared or revealed unless you specifically invite a colleague. You can also download your glossary if you need a local copy.

The following instructions have been written for complete beginners. Having understood the above comments, a Wordfast Classic or Pro user should have no difficulty in using WFA intuitively.

Check the Wordfast Anywhere 6 Start Guide for a quick start.

Check our Terms of use.

3.1.1 How to use WFA

On Wordfast Anywhere every document belongs to a language pair, which in turn belongs to a translation project.

So the first you need is a project. A project named "Project_1" is created by default, but you can create up to 3 projects.

A project needs a language pair. A default one is suggested but more can be added. Each language pair can have a TM and glossary assigned which will be used on several processes and also automatically assigned to the documents uploaded.

A project also needs a task. "Translate" is the one by default.

Once the project is created you can add the documents. Documents can be added to all language pairs or to specific ones. There is a maximum number of documents per project depending of the type of project.

Double-click a project to open it to see the content (documents grouped by language pairs).

Double-click a document to start/resume work.

Notice.png Wordfast Anywhere 6 Basic Projects video

3.2 Login in to WFA account

Check the Login in to WFA account section on the Start Guide.

Warning.png If you have not created an account yet, follow the instructions.

Warning.png If you ever forget your password, follow the instructions.

Warning.png If you are having login problems check Cannot log in to Wordfast Anywhere and follow the instructions.

3.3 User Interface

The user interface is divided into several sections. A top menu with tabs and buttons, a main central panel that changes depending on where we are (project list, project content, document translation) and a bottom panel where information and messages are shown.

Once you are connected to WFA, the workspace appears.

This should look similar to the following screenshot (depending on the browser, operating system or device used to access WFA):


The workspace can be modified at any point according to your requirements.

3.3.1 Top Menu

At the very top you can find the Top Menu which consists in two rows: one for the different menus (tabs) and one for the buttons corresponding to the selected tab.

Use CollapseTop.png to hide the buttons. Use CollapseBottom.png to show the buttons.

Warning.png Menus and buttons now will be visible when they can be used. Can be activated when selecting/opening a project or selecting/opening a document.

Warning.png Some buttons will be available only when a project is opened.

Warning.png Some buttons will be available when a project is selected from the project list.

Warning.png Some buttons will be available when more than one file is selected from the document list.

Warning.png Some buttons will be available only when a document is opened.

Warning.png Some buttons will NOT be available when a document is opened.

Warning.png Menus used for translation (Edit, view, translation, review and TM & Glossaries) are only visible when the document is opened. Those buttons keep working as always, just need to open the document. Wordfast Anywhere Menu

This tab a miscellaneous of buttons concerning the Wordfast Anywhere project.


  • Logout16.png: Use it when you want to leave Wordfast Anywhere.
  • User profile.png: Here you'll find your account information. You'll be able to change your Login email, the Security Question, the Security Answer and delete your account.
  • Preferences.png: Here is where you set the configuration of Wordfast Anywhere:Font Size, Machine translation, TM rules, Shortcuts, Segmentation, Transcheck rules...etc.
  • Preferences16round.png: Global TM & glossary management (create, add, upload, merge, edit, download, delete... ), no more for assignment.
  • WF Update16.png: This button will direct you to a site to align your files.
  • Help16.png: WFA Help:
    • Go to Wordfast Anywhere start guide wiki page.
    • Go to Wordfast Anywhere PM start guide wiki page.
    • Go to Wordfast Anywhere FAQ wiki page.
    • Go to Wordfast Anywhere manual wiki page.
    • If the previous wiki pages do not work, this is a pdf backup.
  • Notice.png: There are 4 icons corresponding to different types of notifications (Warning.png ONLY displayed when there are notifications):
    • Webmaster Info: notifications coming from Wordfast Anywhere administration (p.e stopping the server for a publication).
    • Background Info: notifications about Background processes (p.e. Analyze, Spellcheck...etc).
    • System Info: notifications from the system (p.e. an unsupported browser).
    • TM Server Info: notifications realted to the TM Server (p.e. TM server is disconnected). Project Menu

This tab has the tools concerning a project.

Warning.png Some buttons will be available when a project is selected on the project list.

Warning.png Some of this buttons will NOT be available when a project is opened.

Warning.png Some of this buttons will NOT be available for standard projects.

No project selected on the project list.


This are the basic buttons:

  • Pm new project 16.png: New use it to create a project.
  • Pm open project 16.png: Open the selected project from the project list.
  • Analyze Project16.png: Analyze all the documents of the project. A report is generated.
  • Pm delete project 16.png: Delete the selected project.
  • Pm close project 16.png: Close an opened project.
  • Pm import project 16.png: Import a .glp file.
  • Pm export project 16.png: Export a project into a .glp file.
  • Linguist16.png: Use it to Manage the team of linguists.

To access the project setup, when the project is opened click on the project name or on the Setup.png icon next to the project name. File Tab

This tab has the tools concerning a file.

Warning.png Some of this buttons will be available when more than one file is selected from the list.

Warning.png Some of this buttons will be also available when a document is opened.

Warning.png Some of this buttons will NOT be available when a document is opened.


  • Translate File16.png: Open the selected file from the list.
  • About wordfast16.png: Open the document with Wordfast Pro Online. Warning.png The use of Wordfast Pro Online will be discontinued on December 31, 2021.
  • Close16.png: Close an opened file.
  • Save16.png: Here you'll find all the Download options for a file (p.e. translated version, bilingual versions, TXML, unformatted text, Off-line Report Tool, TM from doc segments).
  • Preferences16round.png: With this button you'll change the TM & Glossary configuration for the document.
  • Analyze Project16.png: Analyze the selected document/s. A report is generated.
  • Statistics16.png: Get the Statistics of the document.
  • Modify Project16.png: Get information about the file.
  • Translate All NO Editor16.png: Pre-translate the selected document/s.
  • Mergetms16.png: Use this button to merge the document with a TXML file.
  • Mergetms16 menu.png: Use this button to merge the document with an imported OFRT file.
  • Split.png Join.png: Split the document in parts. Join the parts together again.
  • Share.png Revoke.png: Share the document with an other Wordfast Anywhere user. Revoke will finish the share.
  • Translate File16.png: Fuzzy Open the file without full matches.
  • Translate All NO Editor16.png: Extract the frequent segments.
  • Edit16.png: Rename the file. Edit Tab

This tab is a translation tool extension.

Warning.png This buttons will be available when the document is opened.

Warning.png Some of this buttons will be available when a TM is being edited.


  • FindReplace.png: Use it to Find & Replace text but also to go to a particular segment or get a list of segments untranslated, provisional, with notes or with tag differences.
  • EditSource16.png: Edit the source segment.
  • Edit Note16.png: Create, edit or remove a Note on a segment.
  • Insert c.png: Insert special characters. 7 different characters can be defined on Wordfast Anywhere tab => Setup button > Pandora's box
  • Delete alltargetseg.png: Delete tags in the document. This is only available when editing a TM and has 2 options: Delete all target tags or delete all document tags.
  • Delete revisions.png: Delete the segment history.
  • Delete alltargetseg.png: Delete all target segments of the document.
  • CaseChanger.png: Toggle between lowercase, uppercase, and capitalization.. View Tab

In this tab you'll find the buttons to move through the document and show or hide the different panels.


  • PanelOutline.png: Show or hide Outline.
  • PanelTm.png: Show or hide TM panel.
  • PanelGlo.png: Show or hide Glossary panel.
  • MovePrevScreen.png: Go to Previous Block.
  • MoveNextScreen.png: Go to Next Block.
  • Batchmonitor16 views.png: Toggle between the different document layout: Classic, Horizontal and Vertical.
  • Move prev seg.png: Go to Previous segment.
  • Move next seg.png: Go to Next segment.
  • Move first seg screen.png: Go to First segment of Block.
  • Move last seg screen.png: Go to Last segment of Block.
  • Move first seg doc.png: Go to First segment of document.
  • Move last seg doc.png: Go to Last segment of document. Translation Tab

Find here all the tools to perform a translation


  • StartNext.png: Start translation or open next segment.
  • Previous.png: Open previous segment.
  • CloseSave.png: Close and commit to the TM.
  • Close retain.png: Close and retain the segment as provisional but not commit to the TM
  • Close.png: Close segment.
  • Close restore.png: Close and delete target content.
  • Mark.png: Mark segment as provisional.
  • CopySource.png: Copy source to target.
  • Expand Segment16.png: Expand segment.
  • ShrinkSeg.png: Shrink segment.
  • TranslateUntilFuzzy.png: Translate document until a fuzzy match.
  • Cleanup Project16.png: Toggle between Empty target, Remove tags and Restore.
  • Autopropagate.png: Auto propagate segment changes through all the document.
  • Dropdown.png: Toggle placeable.
  • Next Placeable16.png: Go to Next Placeable.
  • Copy Placeable16.png: Copy Placeable.
  • Previous Placeable16.png: Go to Previous Placeable.
  • Increase target.png: Increase target segment height.
  • Mic.png: Use Web Speech to dictate the target content. Warning.png ONLY available for Chrome. Currently disabled due to browser security. Review Tab

This tab has the tools to review the document.


  • Preview16.png: Preview a PDF version of the document.
  • Transcheck16.png: Do a quality control on the document
  • Spellcheck16.png: Spellcheck the document TMs and Glossaries Tab

Tab with the tools related to TM and glossaries actions.


  • ConcordanceSearch.png: Concordance search
  • GlossarySearch.png: Glossary Search
  • TermEdit.png: Term edition.
  • CopyTU.png: Copy TU.
  • DeleteTU.png: Delete TU.
  • Add File To Project16.png: Add TU.
  • Force tm addtu.png: Update TU.
  • Force tm.png: Force TM search.
  • Force mt.png: Force Machine Translation search.
  • Force term.png: Force Glossary search.
  • Update tm doc.png: Update TM with document content.
  • ISearch.png: Lookup in online dictionary. Custom Tab

In this tab you can add up to 15 buttons of your choice, so you can have together in one tab your most used buttons. Selection any of the translation menus buttons (Edit, view, translation, review and TM & Glossaries) and the WFA setup and TM&Glossary set up.

Custom tab.png

To do so you must go to Preferences.png Setup button on Wordfast Anywhere tab. Then go to Pandora Box tab and go to Custom Tab settings, where you will find all the buttons that can be added to the Custom tab

Custom tab2.png

3.3.2 Panels Project List Panel

This panel shows the list of projects.


Projects will be listed here. Double click on one project or select it and use Pm open project 16.png Open from the top menu bar to open the project. Project content Panel

When opening a project, the Content Panel area will show the content of the project, the list of documents in the project.


Main areas are:

  • Header row (1): In this row you'll fine the headers of the columns. The columns are: Languages/file (1), Vol. (1C) and the columns for the different jobs will follow (1D). This row will change the background color according to the project status: blue for In preparation, orange for In progress and green for completed. Use the Add files button (1A) to add files to all language pairs and use dashboard button (1B) to see an estimation of cost of the project.
  • Project setup (2)Click on the project name or icon next to it to open the project setup dialog.
  • Language Row (3): In this row several icons will be shown depending on the file selection to perform actions such as add files to the language pair (3A), delete selected files (3B) or assign linguist to jobs (3C). Use the remove language pair icon (3D) to delete the language pair (Warning.png all the documents inside will be permanently deleted).
  • Note (4) this icon allows to add a note to the document.
  • TM & glossaries (5) This are the TMs and glossaries assigned to the document, mouse-over to see extra information. This TM and glossary assignment will be used for the tasks.
  • On the Status bar you'll find information about the project.
  • Clicking on the file name will open the document. And clicking on each of the other cell text or icon will open the edit dialog for that cell. Translation Panels

When a document is opened for translation, the screen is divided in 4 different panels.

Panels.png Outline

Show/Hide Outline panel using View tab => Show/hide Outline PanelOutline.png button.

The outline displays all the segments of the document. The available status are:

  • A white box indicates that the segment is not translated
  • A green box indicates a translated segment
  • A yellow box indicates a provisional segment
  • An 'i' after segment id indicates a segment having a note
  • The black thick border on the box indicates the current document selected on document panel
  • The pink border on the box indicates the visible segments in the document panel

You can jump and open any segment of the document by clicking on its number. If the segment is not visible on the document panel (blue border instead of pink), the document panel will be refreshed.

Once a segment is opened you can use Edit tab => Edit Note Edit Note16.png button to create/delete a note and also Translation tab => Provisional Mark.png button to mark/unmark a provisional segment. TM Panel

This panel shows the matches from TM or MT for the current segment.

You can show or hide this panel using View tab => PanelTm.png button. Glossary Panel

This panel shows the matching terms for the current segment.

You can show or hide this panel using View tab => PanelGlo.png button. Document Panel

When a document is opened, it shows the segments content.

Wordfast Anywhere do not load the entire document in the editor if there are many segments.

While translating the segments are added one by one to the editor, but if you can move inside the document to see any part you want.

To do so, you can use:

  • View tab => MovePrevScreen.png button to go to Previous Block.
  • View tab => MoveNextScreen.png button to go to Next Block.
  • View tab => PanelOutline.png button to show Outline and then jump and open any segment of the document by clicking on its number. More information here

This is how an opened document looks like:

Document panel doc.png Document Layout

Using View tab => Batchmonitor16 views.png button you can change the document layout, which is the way segments are shown on Document Panel. The three possible views are:






VerticalLayout.png Status Panel

Always present at the bottom. Here you can find several information about the project, file, TM, display, translation process. Also some messages will be showed here.

3.3.3 Other features Show/Hide Top Menu Buttons

Buttons on the top menu can be hidden.

Use CollapseTop.png to hide the buttons. Use CollapseBottom.png to show the buttons.

3.4 Project Operations

A new Project menu bar has been added after Wordfast Anywhere menu. Yes! Project Management (PM) has been introduced to WFA.

  • * A project named "Project_1" is created by default. If you had an account before version 6, it will contain all the files from the previous version grouped by language pair.
  • Every document now belongs to a language pair, which in turn belongs to a project.
  • Double-click a project to open it to see the content (documents grouped by language pairs).
  • Double-click a document to start/resume work.

Warning.png Menus and buttons now will be visible when they can be used. Can be activated when selecting/opening a project.

Notice.png Wordfast Anywhere 6 Basic Projects video

3.4.1 Create a New Project

On the Project tab click on Pm new project 16.pngNew to create a new project. This will open the Project Seup window where the settings for the project are done.

Warning.png Up to 3 projects can be stored at any given time.

To access the project setup once the project has been created, when the project is opened click on the project name or on the Setup.png icon next to the project name.




The Project Setup window has two sections that need to be set in order to create the project. Setting one section opens the next one.

On this section general information of the project is set. This includes:
  1. Project name (Compulsory)
  2. Description (optional)
  3. Project type. Defines the type of the project:
    • Standard: For translators working alone.
    • Advanced: For Project Managers (PMs) managing large, multi-language projects.
  4. Project status (for advanced type). Defines the status of the project:
    • In preparation (blue): When project is being prepared (files, TMs and glossaries and linguist being added)
    • In progress (orange): This marks the start of the project. Files are shared with the linguist at this point.
    • Completed (green): The project is finished.
  5. Currency(optional). It will be used to calculate the project cost.
  6. Decimals(optional). When this checkbox is marked the project estimated cost will show numbers with decimals.
  7. Auto(optional). By default Project Manager will be responsible of pushing files to the next job when completion is done. Mark this checkbox to automatically sent files to the next job upon completion.
2.Language Pairs and tasks
On this section language pairs and tasks are added.
  • Use the + next to the language pair header to add a new language pair. This will open the language selection dialog and then the TM and glossaries dialog to assign them to the language pair.
  • Use the + at the end of the header row to add new tasks. Only 10 tasks can be added.
  • A row is shown for each language pair where the default word rate (left box) and speed rate (right box) for each task can be set.
  • Use the - next to the language pair to remove it. Warning.png Associated files and shares will be revoked.
  • Use the - next to the task name to remove it. Warning.png Associated files and shares will be revoked.

Once all compulsory fields are set, click on Save project to save the project and go to the Project Content panel.

Warning.png It is possible to move from standard to advanced but opposite is only possible if the advanced project has only one task.

3.4.2 Modify Project Setup

To access the project setup, when the project is opened click on the project name or on the Setup.png icon next to the project name.

Use this to change any of the project settings defined on the project creation.

Warning.png It is possible to move from standard to advanced but opposite is only possible if the advanced project has only one task.

It is the same than for creating a project, so check the section above to know about the different parts and settings.

3.4.3 Setting up language pair, Translation Memories and glossaries

Languages are added/removed from the Project Setup dialog.

To access the project setup, when the project is opened click on the project name or on the Setup.png icon next to the project name.

Check Create Project section above to know about it. Language pair with its associated TMs and glossaries set in the project setup

To access the project setup dialog, when the project is opened click on the project name or on the Setup.png icon next to the project name.

Project setup.png

Click on the language pair + button.

Langpair dialog.png

Enter the languages and save, the TMs and glossaries dialog opens.

Tmglo langpair.png

  • If no TM and glossary exists for the language pair, a new dialog will propose you to create them. Save and wait they are listed.
  • You can create and choose one or more TMs and glossaries. They are selected by checking the row in the Active column.

Tmglo langpair 2.png

Finally save the TMs and glossaries selection by clicking on the Save button. The new language pair is now in the project setup and one icon is displayed for each TM and glossary.

Project setup 2.png

Warning.png The TMS and glossaries can be updated for a language pair by clicking on the icons. But if documents already exists for that language pair, they will not be affected by this change, only new documents added after the update. TMs and glossaries set individually for a document

This selection for a document is overwriting the Language pair selection. In the project content select a document by checking it and then click on the TMs and glossaries button Preferences16round.png of the File menu.

Project content 3.png

The same TMs and glossaries dialog opens.

Tmglo langpair 3.png

Saving will update only the TMs and glossaries for the selected document. A control can done hovering the TM icon.

Project content 2.png

3.4.4 Add/Remove Files

From the Project Content Panel there are two ways to add files to a project.

  • Using the Add File To Project16.png icon on the header will add the files to all the languages in the project.
  • Using the Add File To Project16.png icon on the language row. This will add the files only to that language.


To remove a file, first use the checkbox to select it and then use the Remove16.png icon on the language row.


Warning.png Associated shares will be revoked.

Several files can be selected to be removed at the same time.

3.4.5 Project dashboard

Using the Pm cost 16.png icon on the header will show the estimated cost of the project. Click on the icon again to hide costs.


3.4.6 Advanced Features

Warning.png ONLY for Advanced Projects

Advanced projects have some extra features to manage the files. Task TM

Warning.png ONLY for Advanced Projects

Click on the TM icon on the file column to set how the TM will be used on the tasks.


There are different options for the TM use:

  • Share TM
    • The selected TM will be shared with linguists.
    • This is the best option to use.
    • Translator will have exact and fuzzy matches.
    • Translator can use concordance.
  • Create Project TM
    • The selected TM will NOT be shared.
    • It will be used to create a temporary project TM with the matches from the file/s
    • The temporary project TM will be shared.
  • Pretranslate
    • The selected TM will NOT be shared.
    • It will be used to pretransalte the document/s.
    • Only one TU match (the highest) per segment will be available to the translator.
    • Concordance cannot be used.
    • Concordance will only be used in this temporary TM

Warning.png Once a task has started it is not possible to change this assignment.

To change the TM assigned click on the same icon and change the TM selection by marking the active checkbox for the TMs you want to use. To unassign the TMs clean all the active checkboxes. Task Glossaries

Warning.png ONLY for Advanced Projects

To assign glossaries to tasks follow the instructions for TMs, but using the active checkboxes on the glossaries side of the dialog. Manage Linguists

Warning.png ONLY for Advanced Projects

The Manage Linguist window can be opened by using the Linguist16.png icon on the Project tab or the Manage linguists buttons on the Assign Job window.

This allows the PM to create a team of linguists that will be used on the project jobs.

The same linguist can be used in several languages and roles.


Main areas are:

  • Add new linguist to a new language pair (1): Use Pm linguist add 16.png icon to add a new linguist to the team for a new language pair.
  • Add or remove a linguist from a language pair (2): Use Pm expland 16.png icon to add a linguist to a language pair and use Pm collapse 16.png icon to remove it.
  • Linguist task grid (3): In this grid, each cell shows the RATE-SPEED-SCORE settings for a linguist. The grid has 4 columns, one for each role: Translator (TR), Proofreader (PR), Revise (RE) and QA. In addition dark values mean that linguist has been marked as "able" to do that role. Grey values indicate that linguist is not marked as "able" to do that role. Warning.png ONLY linguist that are marked as able to do a role can be selected to do project tasks. New Linguist

Use Pm linguist add 16.png or Pm expland 16.png to add a new linguist.


Introduce the following information to add a linguist.

  • Email: It must be the email of the linguist WFA account.
  • Initials: Short 4 character nickname for the linguist.
  • Ctry: Country of the linguist.
  • Comment: Some words about the linguist.
  • Source language and target language that the linguist can work with.
  • Role performance. There are 4 default roles a linguist can do on project tasks.
    • Mark the checkbox if the linguist is able to do the role. Warning.png ONLY linguist that are marked as able to do a role can be selected to do project tasks.
    • Rate: Linguist minim rate. Rate is measured in import per word. The project currency will be user with the import. For example 0.5 Eur per word.
    • Speed: Linguist speed rate (words/day). For example 3,000 words/day.
    • Score: Linguist 1 to 5 star score. Assign Job

Warning.png ONLY for Advanced Projects

Warning.png ONLY linguist that are marked as able to do a role can be selected to do project tasks.

Use the Pm expland 16.png icon in the language row under the job name column to assign a job to a linguist for the checkbox marked files.


On the assign job dialog:

  • Choose a linguist from the list to whom the job will be assigned. Warning.png The file will be shared with the linguist when the project is set as 'In progress'. The rate and job amount from the linguist will be set for the task.
  • To override the linguist rate or job amount, a particular rate or job amount for the job can be set using the input field under the column header. Warning.png Bear in mind that both are related so changing one will update the other.
  • A Deadline can be set on the input field under Duration.
  • Fill the Note text box to send extra information to the linguist.
  • Use Linguist cannot download the shared file to not allow the linguist to download the file.
  • Click on Manage linguists to open the Manage Linguist window to add/edit/remove linguists.

Warning.png ONLY linguists marked as able to do a role will be listed.

Use the Pm collapse 16.png icon in the language row under the job name column to unassign a linguist from a job for the checkbox marked files. Warning.png Shares will be revoked.

Pmdeletetask.PNG Move file to next Task

Warning.png ONLY for Advanced Projects

If Auto tasking is not set on the Project Properties window, when a task is finished (file has been revoked by the linguist), PM has to manually move it to the next task which will share the file with the linguist assigned to that task.

To do so, click on the double arrow on the finished task.

Pmmoveon.PNG Workflow

Warning.png ONLY for Advanced Projects

The project workflow should be:

  1. PM creates a project, sets languages, sets jobs (Project setup).
  2. PM adds files to the project and prepares them (i.e splitting).
  3. PM sets how the TMs and glossaries assigned to the document will be use on the tasks as Share TM, Create project TM or to pre-translate.
  4. PM prepares the team of linguists.
  5. PM assign a linguist to each file task. Multiple file selection for batch assign is possible.
  6. When PM sets the project status to In progress files that has been assigned a TM and a task will be shared to the corresponding linguist.
  7. Linguist works on the file. When his work is finished, revokes the file. This finishes the share.
  8. Once the file is revoked, the PM has to manually move it to the next task. This is done automatically if Auto tasking is selected on Project Setup.
  9. When all tasks are finished project is finished. PM can change the status of the project to Completed. Purchase Order

Warning.png ONLY for Advanced Projects

You can define a Purchase Order template with project, document and task information that will be send to the linguists when the file is shared.

A copy of the email send to the linguist is BCC to the project owner. Purchase Order template

Go to User profile.png User Profile button on Wordfast Anywhere tab to see information about your account. On the PM tab you can edit the default template.


On this template you put the information you want to appear on the Purchase Order.

You can use some dynamic parameters to add project, document and task information. Use this parameters to build the Purchase Order. Parameters will be substituted by project, document and task corresponding values or a predefined text.

Here is the list which you can also check them using the Pm info 16.png icon.
{purchase_order_number} Include a number for the purchase order.
{project_name} Project name.
{task_name} Task name.
{document_name} Document name.
{document_download} If linguist can not download the document the text '(The document cannot be downloaded.)' will be added to the Purchase Order.
{document_volume} Document number of words.
{job_note} Job note
{job_rate} Job rate
{job_total} Job total cost
{job_deadline} Job deadline in the format 29/12/2021 15:00 GMT+02:00 and the remaining time.
{document_tmglo} If there are TMs or glossaries in the share the text 'For the duration of this job # Translation Memories and # Glossaries have been temporarily shared with you.' will be added to the Purchase Order.
{document_use} Add the text 'To work on this document, log into your Wordfast Anywhere account. If you are already logged, refresh the project list by closing all the projects.' to the Purchase Order.
{my_full_name} Full name from 'User profile'.
{my_professional_info} Professional information from 'User profile'. Purchase Order preview

On the assign job dialog you will see a preview of the Purchase Order.

Warning.png Some of the dynamic parameters will be updated when changing the selections on the dialog, others might require the job to be saved and others will be updated when the Purchase Order is send.

Po2.PNG Purchase Order batch send

You can send the Purchase Orders for all the saved jobs at any moment using the Send POs button on the Project Setup dialog

Warning.png Purchase Order will also be send when the file is shared.

3.5 File Operations

Warning.png Menus and buttons now will be visible when they can be used. Can be activated when selecting/opening a document.

3.5.1 Upload

To translate your document, you must first upload it to WFA.

Warning.png There is a file size limit of 20 Mb.

From the Project Content Panel there are two ways to add files to a project.

  • Using the Add File To Project16.png icon on the header will add the files to all the languages in the project.
  • Using the Add File To Project16.png icon on the language row. This will add the files only to that language.


The following window will be displayed:

Upload doc.png

There are several ways to upload a document

  • From local file: Use Browse... to navigate through the directories on your computer and locate the document to be uploaded.
  • From URL: This option allows you to upload a file that is located on an Internet server by entering the address (URL) into the field. This feature is useful for tablet computers and other mobile devices that do not possess a hard drive.
  • From Google Drive: Choose a file from your Google Drive to be uploaded. You'll be asked to allow access rights to WFA before choosing the file. This feature is useful for tablet computers and other mobile devices that do not possess a hard drive.
  • From Dropbox: Choose a file from your Dropbox to be uploaded. You'll be asked to allow access rights to WFA before choosing the file. This feature is useful for tablet computers and other mobile devices that do not possess a hard drive.
  • From Clipboard: Paste the text to be uploaded into the text area. A text file will be created with the text.

At the bottom of the window click on View allowed formats to check the allowed formats:

Finally click on:

  • Upload: to only upload the file, which will be listed on the Document Management.
  • Upload and Open: to upload and open the document, which will be displayed in the document panel.

Warning.png Depending on the size of the file, this may take some time. Please be patient.

Upload can also be done by using drag and drop area.

For some file formats you can configure some filter behaviors when uploading the file on Configure Filters in Pandora's Box #8. This is important for Text based files (xml, xsl) where a rules file (.properties) is needed.

3.5.2 Open

To open a document, first select it from the list of documents. There are 2 options on File tab:

  • Open button Translate File16.png: will open a document and show all the segments
  • Fuzzy Open button Translate File16.png: will open a document, but only segments with a score lower than 100.

3.5.3 Segmentation

In order to be translated with a CAT tool, a document is divided into translation units (TUs), also known as segments. This process is called segmentation. A segment is a text string that ends with a terminator segment, usually the period (.), colon (:), question mark (?), or exclamation mark (!) and also a paragraph or end of cell mark, a page break or a tab.

The advantage of segmentation is that the translation units are presented to you one by one, without any danger of missing one. These segments form the basis for the TUs that are saved in the TM, consisting of the source segment (to translate) and the target segment (translated).

To configure segmentation go to Segmentation tab on the WFA settings.

3.5.4 Review

Once translated, the text should be revised. Here are some methods:

  • Download the translated document immediately to view it in your favourite word processor.
  • Download it in an offline review format. See Offline Review Tool (OFRT).
  • Revise it in WFA using Trancheck, Spellcheck and Preview tools. See below.
  • If you are using the Classic mode for the document Layout (See the Doc Layout button Batchmonitor16 views.png on View tab) , you can toggle the display between the bilingual document, the original document and the translated document, use the shortcut Ctrl+, (Ctrl+comma). A different display mode is presented with each iteration. To confirm what you see in front of you, check the indicator on the status bar: bilingual document (Bilingual), original document (Source) or translated document (Target). You can also click on the indicator to change it. Please note this action does not alter the document in any way. It only changes the way that it is displayed in a way that is more convenient for the task you are currently engaged in. Transcheck

Click on the Transchek button Transcheck16.png of the Review tab. Transcheck provides the means to check translated content for missing tags, empty targets, numbers, untranslated segments, and terminology.


Click on the Set the criteria link to go to the Setup and configure them.

Click on the Check button to get the result.

Click on the Move next button to move in the document panel to the first segment in the result list. Click again to move to next segment and so on. Spellcheck

Click on the Spellcheck' button Spellcheck16.png of the View tab and choose again Spellcheck in the list of choice. Spellcheck is a good practice to ensure high quality as it flags words in a document that may not be spelled correctly. The Spellcheck is done immediately then you'll get the following report with the results.


Click on the Move button to move in the document panel to the first segment in the result list. Click again to move to next segment and so on. Preview

Click on the Preview butonn Preview16.png of the View tab . It can be done at any stage of completion to get a PDF file displayed in a pop-up window with the translated document.

Preview 1.png

Preview 2.png

3.5.5 Download

Warning.png For download issues, please check this link

When the translation is finally complete, you must download the final document in order to be able to deliver it. To do this, click on Save16.png Download button on File tab. A dialog with all the download options will be shown.

Donwload all.jpg

Here is a short description of each option:

  • Translated document/s: Click to download the translated file. It will be the translated version of the source document in the same file type.
  • Bilingual: Click to download the TXLF (or TXML) file from the document. Warning.png The download bilingual file will be of the type used when the file was uploaded. For example if the file was uploaded using TXML, the bilingual download will be TXML. A file cannot be uploaded using one type (TXML) and download the bilingual file of the other type (TXLF). The workaround is to change the type and upload the file again. More information
  • Offline review export: Click to download an Offline Review file (.doc).
  • Bilingual DOC without formatting: Click to download bilingual for MS Word without placeholders (*.doc).
  • Unformatted text: Click to download unformatted Text (*.txt).
  • Notes report: Click to download a report with the document notes.
  • TM from document/s: Click to download a TM with document's content (.txml).
  • Backup workspace: Click to download a backup of current document + TM + glossary.
  • Package: Click to download a WFP package file (.glp) containing documents, memories, glossaries....etc. More information here
  • Filtered bilingual: Open an advanced filtering dialog to choose segments to be downloaded.

Clicking OK will take the next dialog.

You may receive this message if you have not yet fully translated the document:


This is purely an advisory message, warning you if you have forgotten to translate a segment or if there are provisional segments or notes. However it is quite possible that this is your intention: sometimes there are segments that should not be translated.

You can find out at any time if you have completed the translation, or how many segments remain to be translated, by using Outline

If your file is fully translated or you clicked OK on this warning dialog, a dialog where you can choose the way to download the file will open.

This can have different extra options depending the type of download you have chosen on the first dialog.


For downloading the translated file, you have the option to add a second document in PDF format to the downloading of the document in its original format. To add the PDF-formatted document, tick the Add PDF file box. This may take some time, so please wait.


For downloading the TXML file, you have the options to copy the source content in case target segment is empty and not use language variants.

You can cancel the download by clicking Cancel or continue by clicking OK. You can verify that this operation is taking place: a series of small blue rectangles will display the progress in the status bar.

There are some cases when you will get a compressed ZIP file instead of the original format. Check here the reasons.

If you have requested the PDF file, both files (the original and the PDF) will be downloaded together and compressed together in ZIP format (*. zip).

There are several ways to download a file:

  • Download file: After you click on the OK button, Wordfast Anywhere prepares the data transfer and then sends it to your browser. The browser will then inform you that it has received the data according to its specific mode of operation. In some cases, a dialog box will pop up allowing you specify where to save the file; however, this depends on the particular browser you use. If nothing happens, check your browser’s downloads settings and / or repeat the process.
  • Send file to email: Send the downloaded file by email.
  • Create file URL: Create a url to the downloaded file. To get the file copy-paste the url in your browser to start the download. The file will be available at that location for 3 days.
  • Google Drive: Send the downloaded file to your Google Drive account.
  • Dropbox: Send the downloaded file to your Dropbox account.

Warning.png For download issues, please check this link

3.5.6 Delete

Warning.png Remember this can NOT be undone, so it is recommended to download the file first.

To remove a file, first use the checkbox to select it and then use the Remove16.png icon on the language row.


Warning.png Associated shares will be revoked.

Several files can be selected to be removed at the same time.

Notice.png In case you accidentally delete a file, you can recover it by uploading again and using the same TM to pre-translate it.

3.5.7 Package

Project files (*.glp) are managed with the Pm import project 16.png Import and Pm export project 16.png Export buttons in the Project menu.

Warning.png The project file (*.glp) is limited to one source language while a Wordfast Anywhere project can have many, in consequence, package export is done by source language.

Warning.png On WFA v6 there is an issue importing packages coming from PD. If you cannot import the .glp file, please ask to receive the bilingual files (txml/txlf) and the url for the TM/glossary. This issue has been fixed on WFA v7. Upload

Upload must be done using Project menu => Import Pm import project 16.png button.

Once you have selected you local file, click Upload. A new dialog with the package information and upload options will be shown.


  • Package Information section shows package name, who and when created the package and which language pairs contain.
  • Package content section shows the bilingual files on the package. The files with the check box marked will be uploaded. On the right there are two drop-down lists to add a TM and glossary to the file which can came from the package if WFA can handle them or from your list on WFA (Information about them can be found on the Resources section).
  • Resources section shows a list of TMs and glossaries and source files.

Finally there are two options for the upload.

  • Create new folder: by default files will be added to the root folder, you can use this option to upload the package files in a new folder.
  • If the package contains source files a drop-down list will be shown to choose between Export back later to upload just the bilingual files and Generate final files on WFA to upload source files and merge them with the corresponding bilingual file in the package.

Once the package has been successfully uploaded, an HTML report is created.

Warning.png A new project is created with the content of the package. Download

Warning.png The project file (*.glp) is limited to one source language while a Wordfast Anywhere project can have many, in consequence, package export is done by source language.

Download must be done using Project menu => Export Pm export project 16.png button.


  • Package Information: Here you can choose to download an existing package or create a new one, source and target languages. Multiple target language can be chosen if the package had them when it was uploaded.
  • Package content: After clicking Find Files a list of available files, TMs and glossaries is shown. The files with the check box marked will be downloaded.

Finally you can chose to Add Source files to the package.

3.6 TM & Glossary Management

3.6.1 TM & Glossary Basics

Click on the Preferences16round.png Setup TM&Glo button on Wordfast Anywhere menu.

TmgloDialog.png Translation Memory Creating a translation memory

There are several ways to create or add a TM:

  • Create an empty standard WFA TM
  • Upload an existing TM like from Wordast Classic or Pro
  • Link to a remote TM hosted on a private Wordfast server
  • Link to a Very Large TM hosted on a public Wordfast server

To create an empty TM, click on the Create button of the TM buttons area.


Choose source and target language codes. It is recommended that you have only one TM for each language pair. This way, you will benefit from everything you have already translated in each pair. However, there may be reasons for you to maintain different TMs in the same language pair. In this case, enter an ID using up to 10 characters in the Assigned Name field.

Then click on the Save button of the Create TM dialog box. Your TM has now been created and is selected in the list of TMs.

To Upload an existing TM, click on the upload' button.

CreateTm 3.png

If you already have a TM that you use with Wordfast Classic or Pro, you can upload it to WFA. The codes for source and target languages are written in the header of the TM file. If you already have a TM in the same pair, make sure that you enter an identifier of up to 10 characters in the Assigned Name field.

This procedure is exactly the same if you have a TM from another CAT tool. However, check first that this TM has been exported in the TMX format, the standard file format with extension .tmx supported by all major CAT tool developers.

Click on the Upload button of the Upload dialog box, you will be prompted to browse a local file on your PC.

If the TM is in Excel format, before uploading it you need to save it as Unicode Text.

Warning.png Depending on its size, uploading a TM may take some time. In this case, it can be run in the background, allowing you to perform other tasks while you are waiting.

To add a remote TM or VLTM, click on the add button.

AddTm 1.png

Select the type TM in the list box.

AddTm 2.png

For adding a remote TM, copy paste the given URL in the URL field and the workgroup ID, if any, in the workgroup ID field.

If you have already a remote TM with the same languages, you will need to enter a symbolic name.

Click on the Test connection button to test the remote TM. If the test is OK, then click on the Add button.

AddTm 3.png

WFA has access to the public TM server, which consists of segments offered by the community of translators and is available to all under the name VLTM (Very Large Translation Memory). The TM is unrestricted, free of charge and anonymous.

For a VLTM, you need to enter source and target language codes.

Click on the Test connection button to test if the VLTM is available for your languages. If the test is OK, then click on the Add button. Update an existing TM by appending from a local TM

You can update one of your existing TM by appending TUs from a local TM by clicking on the merge button.


The process is slightly the same than uploading a TM but you should first select the existing TM in the list. The memory to import will already have predefined source and target languages codes in the header of the TM. There may therefore be a conflict of languages between it and the existing memory. If the languages are different, the merge operation will be rejected.

You also have the choice, in case there are identical source segments, to add always the TM segments, or to not add duplicated segments from the TM. Select Add always or Do not add duplicate in the list box.

By default, the merge process will not take language variants into account. If you want to make sure exactly the same variants are merged, tick the append TUs having the same variant option.

Finally click on the Merge button of the Append TUs dialog box Selecting an existing TM for translating a document

Click on the Preferences16round.png TMs and Glossaries button on File menu to open the dialog and select an existing TM.

Warning.png Caution: If your TM is selected in the TM list, it does not mean selected for translating a document.

To select a TM for translation, you have to tick it in the active column and click on the Save button of the TMs & Glossaries dialog box.

In this example above, 2 EN>FR TMs and 2 EN>FR glossaries are set active for translation.

Notice.png A document can have as active several read-only TMs, but only one writeable. You might need to uncheck the active checkbox from the current writeable TM in order to set a new one. Glossary

The use of incorrect terminology can ruin an otherwise good translation. Many clients have a well-defined terminology (the jargon of the trade), compiled in the form of a glossary. By supplying this glossary to their translators, clients can impose a particular terminology. In adopting this approach, very common in technical translation, the end result should harmoniously fuse the linguistic competence of the translator with the terminological requirements of the client.

Sometimes the client will ask the translator to provide a glossary of terms arising from research undertaken during the translation. In this case, the translator must create a glossary and add specific terminology to it. This glossary building can either be done prior to translation (in an initial terminology research phase), or during the translation itself.

In many cases, however, the client provides a bilingual glossary, which has already been created during the course of previous translations. It is then up to the translator to comply strictly with it and, where appropriate, to add his or her own contributions.

When the translation work is of a more general nature (and especially if a translator is still in the process of acquiring the general vocabulary of a source language), WFA’s glossary function can also be used to itemise terminology that is encountered during the course of the translation process.

Wordfast Anywhere is designed to assist the translator in all the cases mentioned above through the implementation of its glossary function. This glossary consists of a simple tab-delimited text document, which can be uploaded to and downloaded from WFA (like the TM), shared with other CAT programs, etc. as required. Creating a glossary

Like TM there are several ways to create or add a glossary:

  • Create an empty standard WFA glossary
  • Upload an existing glossary
  • Link to remote glossaries
  • Link to Tilde Terminology services
  • Link to a IATE glossary

To create an empty glossary, click on the Create button of the glossary buttons area and follow the same TM pattern.

To Upload an existing glossary, click on the upload button of the glossary buttons area and follow the same TM pattern.

Allowed file types are simple tabulated text file (*.txt) (source + tab + target), Wordfast glossary text file (*.txt), Excel file (*.xls, *.xlsx) and TBX file (*.tbx).

Excel files must be simple:

  • 1st Column: Source (compulsory)
  • 2nd Column: Target (compulsory)
  • 3rd Column: Comment (optional)
  • 4th Column: F1 (optional)
  • 5th Column: F2 (optional)
  • 6th Column: F3 (optional)

Unlike with a TM, WFA cannot derive the source and target language information from the header of the glossary file; therefore this must be specified here.

Once the glossary has been uploaded, you will receive a report summarising the operation:

You will see how many terms have been submitted for upload, how many were rejected as invalid or duplicates well as the total number of terms added.

To add a remote glossary or Tilde Terminology services, click on the add button.

AddGlossary 1.png

Select the type in th elist box.

AddGlossary 2.png

For adding a remote glossary, copy paste the given URL in the URL field.

If you have already a remote glossary with the same languages, you will need to enter a symbolic name.

Click on the Test connection button to test the remote glossary. If the test is OK, then click on the Add button.

AddGlossary 3.png

For setting Tilde Terminology services, you need to select source and target languages and a domain.

Click on the Test connection button to test if you have collections. If the test is OK, then click on the Add button.


To set an IATE glossary, just select the source and target languages. Only languages from the European community are supported.

Click on the Test connection button and if the glossary exists, click on the Add button.


By default not all IATE terminology is showed, but you can enable it by checking Show all common terminology. Update an existing glossary by appending from a local glossary

You can update one of your existing glossaries by appending terms from a local glossary by clicking on the merge button.


The process is slightly the same than uploading but you should first select the existing glossary in the list.

You have the choice, in case there are identical entries (source and target), to add always or to not add duplicated. Select Add always or Do not add duplicate in the list box.

Finally click on the Merge button. Selecting one or more glossaries for translation

Preferences16round.png TMs and Glossaries button on File menu to open the dialog and select an existing TM.

Warning.png Caution: If your glossary is selected in the glossary list, it does not mean selected for translation.

To select a glossary for translation, you have to tick it in the active column and click after on the Save button of the TMs & Glossaries dialog box.

Notice.png A document can have as active several read-only glossaries, but only one writeable. You might need to uncheck the active checkbox from the current writeable glossary in order to set a new one. Using a glossary

Use glossary.png

  • Whenever WFA recognises a term from the glossary in the source segment it highlights it against a blue background
  • The terms highlighted in blue are considered as placeables. They can thus be manipulated with the Previous Placeable16.png and Next Placeable16.png icons or the Ctrl+Alt+Right and Ctrl+Alt+Left shortcuts and by clicking on them with the mouse or by typing their initial letter + Tab. The difference is that, when you use the Copy Placeable16.png icon or the Ctrl+Alt+Down shortcut, it is the corresponding translation that is copied to the target segment. The most easy way to copy a target is probably to use the Auto-suggest feature, enabled by default. Target terms are proposed by typing the first letter of the target term of the 3 first letters of the source term.
    Auto-suggest target term.png Auto-suggest target term 2.png.
  • You can see in advance what the translation of the highlighted items is by activating the glossary panel (keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+H or by selecting it from the View tab => Show/Hide Glossary PanelGlo.png button )
  • If you want to know more about a term, i.e. the information that you or someone else has entered in the comment or F1, F2 and F3 fields, place your mouse over the source term and this information will be displayed. See above the bubble of the last term on the glossary panel (translation). Adding terms to the glossary

Add term.png

It is quite likely that you will want to incorporate terms you come across in the source text into the glossary together with their translations that arise as part of your research process. This way, your linguist’s memory will be reinforced and you are less likely to have to research the same word or phrase again in the future. WFA allows you to do this dynamically, at any time and without exiting your translation process.

First, select the term in the source text. If it consists of one word, you can simply click on it or use the Tab key to move forwards (or Shift+Tab to move backwards) through the text until you reach its position.

The word you have selected will be highlighted against a red border.

Then click on the target term in the target segment.

The selected target term will have a blue background.

Select terms.png

Next, invoke the Glossary Dialog Box by typing Ctrl+Alt+T, or clicking the Add Term TermEdit.png button.

If a single word, the terms you highlighted in the source and target segments should automatically appear in the Source and Target fields. If the terms consists of more than one word, it may be necessary to paste the text into the fields from your computer’s clipboard or type the information manually.

You can also add a comment – something that may prove useful in the future, e.g. if you want to remember the situation in which this translation was used. The F1, F2 and F3 fields may be used to store word role, context, grammatical form or any other relevant text-based information.

Then click Save to confirm. Fuzzy terminology recognition

Each time you open a segment, Wordfast Anywhere checks for the presence in the glossary of all words and terms contained in the source segment. This operation is called terminology recognition. The recognised terms are highlighted in blue in the source segment, as discussed above.

In establishing a correspondence between the terms of the source segment and the terms found in the glossary, WFA will both recognise an exact match and attempt to recognise fuzzy matches.

WFA employs a stemming algorithm for some languages (e.g. German) in order to recognise different forms of the same word that may correspond to those listed in the glossary.

For example, WFA can recognised the infinitive verb ‘besuchen’ as being related to the adjective (or past participle) ‘besucht’ due to the fact that the two words share a common stem.

Fuzzy matching can also be established by using an asterisk in combination with the term. This method overrides the stemming algorithm, allowing you to find all terms that begin with, end with or contain a particular text string. Concordance search

Segments stored in the TM are retrieved only if they have a minimum level of correspondence with the source segment (by default 75%). However, even if the level of correspondence is not sufficient to produce a fuzzy match, the TM may still contain terms that you have previously translated and wish to use in your current translation.

Click on the Concordance button ConcordanceSearch.png or use the Ctrl+Alt+C shortcut. The following window appears:


Enter the word or text string you want to research in the Search field. WFA will search for all words that are the same or begin with the same sequence of letters as the string entered.

You can also select the word or text string with the mouse and then click on the Concordance button ConcordanceSearch.png or Ctrl+Alt+C shortcut. The result will be displayed immediately.

You can edit or delete a term in the concordance search window by clicking on the edit or delete links.

You can add to your search possibilities by choosing the Advanced option:

  • Two words or text strings (search terms) separated by a space: one or the other must exist in the TU
  • Two terms separated by the + sign: both terms must exist
  • A term ending with an asterisk: a search is performed for all text strings containing the search term.

When you use this option, a help line is displayed to remind you how this command works. Searching in a glossary

You can also search in the glossary. To do this, click the Glossary Search button GlossarySearch.png or use the Ctrl+Alt+G shortcut:

Glossary search.png

Type the source language word you wish to search for in the Search field and click OK. The list of glossary entries that contain the search term will be displayed. You can edit or delete a term in the glossary search window by clicking on the edit or delete icons.

By employing an asterisk in the search term, you can expand your search to find all glossary entries that include the text string that the search term is made up of.

3.6.2 TM & Glossary Advanced features TM operations View/Edit a TM

Select the TM in the list then click on the Edit button.


The dialog box displays the TM information. Depending on the TM type, you can edit some properties.

  • Standard WFA TM : you have the possibility to define attributes of your TM, which will allow you to subsequently identify its segments. Click on the Attributes tab.


There are five attributes in a Wordfast TM: the first is fixed and immutable, consisting of the name of the user. The other four can be defined by each user at will, but it is recommended to use attribute 1 to describe the subject of the text to be translated and attribute 2 for the client, to maintain compatibility with Wordfast Classic and Wordfast Pro users. Attributes consist of codes, usually 3 letters, followed by a brief description. In the fields referred to as TM attribute 1 to 4, enter the name of the attribute (subject, client, etc.). In the field on their right, select one of the attributes that appear on the drop-down list or, if necessary, click add to add an attribute, upd to update it or del to delete it. Whatever option is chosen, a dialog will appear asking for the code of the attribute (ID) and a brief description (Name, ignored for the Del option).

EditTmAttributes add.png

EditTmAttributes update.png

EditTmAttributes delete.png

Dynamic codes : Predefined attributes can be added by entering a code between accolades as explain in the help.

EditTmAttributes help.png

  • Remote private Wordfast server

EditRemoteTm.png You can edit the workgroup ID and/or the symbolic name. Download a TM

This is available only for standard WFA TM.


From the Downloaded file format drop-down list you can select either the Wordfast TM TXT format, the Standard TMX format, the MS Excel XLS format or the Bilingual document TXLF format.

Click on the Download button. Filters when downloading a TM

Select "Filtering (advanced options)" on the second drop-down list and click on the Download button.

Tm download2.JPG

This will analyse the TM and let you apply some filters to select what you want to download from the TM.

Tm download filter.JPG

Tm download filter2.JPG

Once filters are selected click on the Download button to finish the download. Removing a TM

After clicking on the top Remove button on the TM side, this red warning is displayed to confirm the deletion.

For TMs that are not Wordfast Anywhere standard TMs only the link to the external TM is cut.

DeleteTm.png Quick TM Share

By clicking on the small share button on top of the TM side, you can share quickly a TM to somebody else having an account in Wordfast Anywhere.


Click on the Add guest button and enter his email address (which should be his account login), then click Add.


You can change the privilege of your guest on your TM. Finally to save the share, click on the Save button. TMs Tools Reversing a TM


Select a TM to reverse and click on the Run button.

If a TM already exists with the same name, you will have to add or change the assigned name.

You need to close the TMs and glossary setup dialog before to see any change. Go to the Wordfast Anywhere tab => Background info button to see the report. Assembling several TMs in one TM


Select one or more TMs to assemble in one TM and click on the Run button.

If a TM already exists with the same name, you will have to add or change the assigned name.

if keep old assigned name is unchecked this information will be lost.

if keep variants is checked, the TU will not be changed, otherwise, it take the given language pair.

if keep user ID is checked, the TU will not be changed, otherwise, it will take your user ID.

You need to close the TMs and glossary setup dialog before to see any change. Go to the Wordfast Anywhere tab => Background info button to see the report. Edit a TM


Select a TM to edit and click on the Run button.

The TM will be opened as a temporary associated document in the document panel.


Here you can for example update target segments, edit source segments and delete TU. Those changes will be stored straight on your TM.

Bear in mind that this is a TM although it looks like a document.

After the TM edition, the temporary document must be deleted because it is a static copy of the TM.

The tool can only edit and delete existing TUs and the TM size is limited to 100000 TUs. Glossary operations View/Edit a glossary

Select the glossary in the list then click on the View/Edit button.


The dialog box displays the glossary information. Depending on the glossary type, you can edit some properties.


EditTildeGlo.png Download a glossary

This is available only for standard WFA glossary.


Click on the Download button. Removing a glossary

After clicking on the top Remove button on the glossary side, this red warning is displayed to confirm the deletion.

For glossaries that are not standard only the link to the external glossary is cut.

DeleteGlo.png Quick Glossary Share

By clicking on the small share button on top of the glossary side, you can share quickly a glossary to somebody else having an account in Wordfast Anywhere.


Click on the Add guest button and enter his email address (which should be his account login), then click Add.


You can change the privilege of your guest on your glossary. Finally to save the share, click on the Save button. Glossaries tools Reversing a glossary


Select a glossary to reverse and click on the Run button.

If a glossary already exists with the reversed glossary name, you will have to add or change the assigned name.

You need to close the TMs and glossary setup dialog before to see any change. Go to the Wordfast Anywhere tab => Background info button to see the report. Assembling several glossaries in one glossary


Select two or more glossaries to assemble and click on the Run button.

If a glossary already exists with the assembled glossary name, you will have to add or change the assigned name.

if keep old assigned name is unchecked this information will be lost.

You need to close the TMs and glossary setup dialog before to see any change. Go to the Wordfast Anywhere tab => Background info button to see the report. TMs and glossaries shares

You can allow other users to share your TM as well as your glossary and you can see the TMs and the glossaries shared to you by others. To manage all kind of share, click on the bottom Share button of the TMs and glossaries dialog. At that time you will receive the following:

Tmglo share 1.png

  • If you have already enabled the sharing of your TMs and your glossaries with other users, they will be displayed in the My shares to other users table. You can revoke sharing with any of these users. To do this, select the user in question and click Revoke. To add or update an existing share click on the Add or Edit buttons and see the chapter Add and edit shares to other users below.
  • You can visualize all the TMs and glossaries that have been shared to you in the My shares from other users table. You can end any share by selecting it and clicking on the Remove button.
  • You can also share your TMs and glossaries to applications like Wordfast Classic and Wordfast Pro by generating keys. they are displayed in the My shares to applications table. See below the chapter Sharing to applications. Add and edit shares to other users

Tmglo share 2.png

Tmglo share edit.png

Tmglo share 3.png Sharing to applications

Wordfast Anywhere will generate up to 5 keys to share one or more TMs and, optionally, glossaries. The key is needed for the external application to connect to that specific share.

Tmglo share app 1.png

If you want to add the TMs and glossaries currently used, click on the Add active TMs and glossaries, otherwise click on the Add button to choose a TM and the Add button to choose a glossary.

Choose the right privilege and the number of keys needed, then click on the the Save button.

The keys will be generated and listed in the My shares to application table. See below.

Tmglo share app 2.png

For instance this can be used on Wordfast Pro 3.4.9, where there is a tab for Wordfast Anywhere TM and glossaries.


Check this video about how to do it.

Although the API key is for a combined TM and glossary, on Wordfast Pro 3.4.9 you need to add it twice: one for TM and one for glossary

Wordfast Pro users can check this video.

3.7 Translation

3.7.1 Preparation of the translation environment

Before beginning the translation of a document using a CAT tool, you must first have an active Translation Memory.

Note: an initial TM was automatically set up when you created your account.

The TM consists of a database, which will record each source language segment (i.e. sentence, phrase) that you translate, together with the corresponding target language segment. As it grows, this increasingly allows you to obtain translations of phrases made previously that are the same or similar to the one you are currently translating.

For more information check Translation Memory basics.

3.7.2 Translating

To start the translation, you must first open the initial segment.

To do this, click on Translation tab => StartNext.png Start/Next button or use the Alt + Down shortcut . When you do this, the document area is transformed: the segment is displayed in light blue block (source), a grey block (target) is placed just below it and the rest of your document is shown on the rest of the page. The cursor is located in the grey block.

Translate the segment in the grey block


After translating this segment, you can continue with your translation. To move to the next segment, click on the StartNext.png Start/Next or use the Alt+Down shortcut. Remember this shortcut, as you will use it for each segment you translate. You can also move to previous segment by clicking on Translation tab => Previous.png Previous or use the Alt + Up shortcut.

Notice.png When translating, the segments are saved automatically in the translation memory and on the database system as soon as you go to the next segment.

Now translate the segment as before.

Now that you get the idea, you can continue to translate. Remember: to move from one segment to the next, use Alt+Down. To return to the previous segment (to correct something that you subsequently realised was mistaken), use Alt+Up.

Following are some other considerations regarding the translation of segments.

Note: Most browser / OS combinations, including Firefox, Safari and Chrome, have their own spell checker, in some cases it may be necessary for you to activate it. You can also use Spellcheck

There is color code for the target block:

  • Grey is the no match from the TM (score=0)
  • Green is the full match from the TM (score=100)
  • Yellow is a fuzzy match from the TM (score between 50 to 99)
  • Orange is a MT proposition
  • Purple is the color when the segment has been modified by the editor

Score information can be found in different places depending on the view. For Classic view it can be found on <}score{> tag between source and target segment.


For Horizontal and Vertical views there is a column for the score.


ScoreV.png Tags

Before translating this new segment, pay attention to the tag <1>, which appears here at the end. WFA is not a word processor and thus does not concern itself with a specific representation of the document's formatting. You'll see no changes in size or typeface, no bold or italic characters. Instead, this information is encoded and represented by what we call "tags", e.g. <1>. By slowly passing your mouse over this tag you will see what it represents. This tag is not to be translated, but it should be placed on the appropriate position in the target segment. If you want to recopy a tag from the source segment please type < to trigger the tags proposal.


You can also copy it by using the comands on Translation tab: Next Placeable16.png Next Pl. (Ctrl+Alt+Right) and Previous Placeable16.png> Previous Pl. (Ctrl+Alt+Left) to navigate the source segment to the desired tag. A red frame indicates the selected item. Then position the cursor in the target segment and click on Toggleplaceable16.png Copy Pl.(Ctrl+Alt+Down).

Differences on the formatting tags (<1>, <2>) between source and target segment can make the file filter aligner have difficulties to build up the translated document.

Check there is no segments with tag difference using one of this options:

  1. Click on Statistics16.png Statistics button on File tab to get a report. Check if there are any segments with tag difference. Use Show Outline PanelOutline.png button on View tab to go straight to one segment.
  2. Click on FindReplace.png Find & Replace button on Edit tab. Go to Miscellaneous tab and run a Tag difference search. Segments with tag differences will be listed.

On the listed segments you must pay attention to:

  1. There is no target tag missing that exists on source.
  2. The target tag order is different from source order. For example [<1>text text<2>] on source but [<2>text text<1>] on target.
  3. The target tag content is not identical with the source tag. You can see the content of the tag when the mouse is over it.

Warning.png We do not recommend to use copy/paste or drag and drop to copy the tags as it can copy more than the eye can see and be problematic. It is better to use the the auto-suggest feature with tags (whenever you want to add a tag just type < and the list of tags from source will be proposed for selection) or the Copy Placeable16.png Copy Placeable on Translation tab.

3.7.3 Main commands Provisional segment

You may be unsure whether your translation of a segment is correct. To avoid having to interrupt your translation process, you can mark the segment as provisional.

It will be identified by a yellow square at the beginning of the line for Classic view or at the end of the row for Horizontal and Vertical views.

To mark a segment as provisional, use the F10 key or Translation tab => Mark.png> Provisional.

When you have resolved any doubts, simply return to the marked segment and make your corrections. Use Alt+Down ( StartNext.png ) or Alt-Up ( Previous.png ) to validate the segment and erase the yellow square. Auto propagate

Use this command to translate a segment and automatically propagate the current segment changes through all the document to other segments having the same source.

Find it in Translation tab => Autopropagate.png Auto Propagate. Note

You can also write a note to be attached to the segment for the duration of the translation (in a similar manner to a Post-ItTM). You can use this to remind yourself of something important about this segment or to pass information on to people who will have access to your translation, such as reviewers.

To write a note, click on Edit tab => Edit Note16.png Edit Note.

The following text box will be displayed:


Write your note in the text box and click Save. You can cancel the operation by clicking Cancel. In the case of an existing note, you can edit and validate it by clicking Save, or delete it by clicking Remove.

A green square will be placed at the beginning of the segment to indicate that a note is attached. By passing the mouse pointer over this square, you will see a rectangle containing the text of the note.

It will be identified by a grey square with an "i" in it at the beginning of the line for Classic view or at the end of the row for Horizontal and Vertical views.


Warning.png Notes can be downloaded by going to File tab => Save16.png Download and choosing the Notes Report Copying the original segment

Sometimes a segment contains very little to translate: for example, when it consists almost entirely of proper names or is made up of a website address. In this case, it may be preferable to copy the entire source segment to the target segment and make any adjustments there.

To do this, click on Translation tab => CopySource.png Copy Source. or use the shortcut Alt-Ins'. Erasing the target segment

Sometimes it is necessary to erase what you have just written in the target segment.

To do this, click on Translation tab => Cleanup Project16.png Del Target. or use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+X.

This button has a toggle behaviour through: Empty target, Remove tags and Restore. Insertion of a special character like the non-breaking space

When you write in French, some characters must be accompanied by a non-breaking space: e.g. before the colon, semicolon, exclamation mark, question mark, exclamation mark, before and after quotes, thousands separators, and so on. In WFA, a non-breaking space is represented by the symbol < >.

However, such spaces cannot be automatically handled in an Internet browser as they are when using a text editor such as Word. Therefore it will be necessary to add them manually. By default, a non-breaking space is inserted at the cursor location by clicking on Edit tab => Insert c1.png Insert Special Character 1.

Two other special characters can be inserted like the curly quotes. Use Edit tab => Insert c2.png Insert Special Character 2 and Insert c3.png Insert Special Character 3.

You can configure these special characters in WFA setup (see Pandora's box). Expanding a segment

As we have seen, WFA considers that the segment is terminated when it encounters a segment termination marker. However, in some cases this segmentation is in error. For example, when WFA's segmentation engine meets the following sentence: On pense aux conseils de Prof. Jacques Lacan: it can interpret the segment as ending with Prof. because a full stop is used as an end of segment marker. In this case we can command WFA to expand the segment, that is to say, to append the subsequent segment to it.


This is done with the Alt+Pg dn shortcut or Translation tab => Expand Segment16.png Expand.


It is important to expand segments when the segmentation has not been performed correctly because this will increase the chances of it corresponding with a translation memory segment. For example, the segment On pense aux conseils de Prof. will have little chance of having a similarity of over 75% with another. By contrast, if the sentence On pense aux conseils de Prof. Jacques Lacan: is in the TM, when WFA encounters the source sentence On pense aux conseils de Professeur Jacques Lacan, it will offer the existing translation, as it has 90% similarity (it is only the word Professor that is not the same).

A segment cannot be expanded if it is terminated by an end of paragraph or end of cell marker, a page break or a tab.

You should not have to expand all segments containing abbreviations that end with a full stop. A comma-separated, modifiable list of common language-specific abbreviations is included in WFA . This can be accessed and modified via the segmentation tab in the configuration dialog box [case-sensitive, optional letters are enclosed in square brackets].

Abbrev.png Shrinking a segment

If, on the other hand, two segments are erroneously displayed together due to an absence of an end of segment marker, you can also shrink the segment with the shortcut Alt-Pg up or 'Translation tab => ShrinkSeg.png Shrink. Placeables

A placeable is any term or expression contained in the source segment that is defined as such. WFA provides shortcuts for inserting them into the target segment, thus both saving time and reducing the potential for typing errors.

WFA predefines as placeables:

  • Numbers
  • Tags
  • Words beginning with, or otherwise containing, capital (upper case) letters
  • Words or phrases appearing in the source text that have matching items stored in the Glossary.

We have already seen how to copy tags. Given that a tag is a placeable, the procedure is the same: to copy any placeable, simply select it with the comands on Translation tab: Next Placeable16.png Next Pl. (Ctrl+Alt+Right) and Previous Placeable16.png Previous Pl. (Ctrl+Alt+Left).

You also have the possibility of clicking on any term in the source text, thus placing it under focus and temporarily transforming it into a placeable. A red frame indicates the item selected.

Next, position the cursor in the target segment at the point where the placeable should be positioned or double-click (click and drag) to select the word (phrase) to be replaced and click on the on Toggleplaceable16.png Copy Pl.(Ctrl+Alt+Down). The placeable is copied to the relevant position in the target segment.

In this sentence, the placeable elements, selected by Ctrl+Alt+Right or Next Placeable16.png, are:

Place1.png (starts with a capital letter)

Place2.png (number)

Place3.png (tag)

And, if necessary, any term may be designated as a placeable simply by clicking on it:


As you translate the text, you only want to place those elements that should not be translated:


At this point, you want to write ‘Chenjerai.’. However it may be faster and more efficient (as well as reducing the possibility of error) to select the item using Ctrl+Alt+Right or Next Placeable16.png (or even by simply clicking on it) and place it into the segment target with Ctrl+Alt+Down or Toggleplaceable16.png.


The following proper noun ‘Hove’ is also a placeable, so you can repeat the procedure. Simply use the Tab key on your keyboard to advance from one placeable to the next (or Shift+Tab to move in the opposite direction).


You can also use the Ctrl+Alt+Up shortcut or Dropdown.png Toggle Pl. on Translation' tab to transform terms in the source segment into placeables.

For even greater efficiency, if you type a letter that begins a word or term in the source segment and then successively press Tab, all words or terms beginning with that letter are successively copied to the target segment. For example, in the above sentence, typing l followed by Tab will copy lyrique to the target. Each time you press the Tab key, the word or term that has been copied to the target segment will be replaced by the next word or term appearing in the source segment that begins with the same letter, i.e. le, laisse and so on. Case changer

Use this feature to toggle through: lowercase, uppercase and proper name for a word. This feature can be used in one word (by putting the cursor inside the word), or with more than one word (by selecting several words with the mouse or Shift+Left/Right Arrow).Beware that some times it gets crazy with the first and last word.

Use it bu clicking on Edit tab => CaseChanger.png Case Changer. Increase target height

You can increase the target height by clicking on Translation tab => Increase target.png Target Height. Web Speech Beta

Warning.png ONLY available for Chrome. Currently disabled due to browser security.

This is a beta implementation that uses Google Web Speech API to insert your dictation into the target segment.

To use it, first open the segment and then click on Translation tab => Mic.png Web Speech Beta button to start the dictation. The icon will change to indicate recording is on. To stop dictation click again on the button.

You can add a shortcut to this command.

You can jump to the next segment as always and keep on dictating. Or you can stop dictation, jump to the next segment and start dictation again.

A provisional transcription will be shown as an auto-suggest text and the final transcription will be inserted on the target segment. The provisional transcription might not be accurate while final transcription should be quite accurate and may be different from provisional transcription.

Please take into account that this is a beta implementation and that voice transcription is done online so there can be delays when dictating. We encourage you to use it and give us some feedback.

Warning.png It can be that Chrome keeps asking you to allow the use of the microphone every time. You need to check the Chrome settings: "Privacy>Content Settings>Microphone>Manage exceptions". There you should have an exception for

If you are connected to the site via HTTS the grant is permanent, if you use HTTP, you are asked each time.

Check this video about how to use this tool.

Check this links for more information:

Chrome Exceptions

Chrome website permissions Edit Source

Using Edit tab => EditSource16.png Edit Source will help you to correct the source text in order to have valid TU in memory.

This will not change the source file and obviously will not automatically change the target segment. Ending the translation

If for any reason you want to stop translating, you have three choices:

  • Close the translation and validate the current segment in the TM (Translation tab => CloseSave.png Close => or CloseSave.png Close & Commit or Alt+End)
  • Close the translation without validating it (Translation tab => CloseSave.png Close => or Close.png Close or Shift+Alt+End)
  • Clear the content of the target segment, together with any attached note, by clicking on Translation tab => CloseSave.png Close => or Close restore.png Close & Delete .

3.7.4 After Translation

When your translation is finished, you use one of our Review tools before Download it.

3.8 Tools

3.8.1 Downloading TXML file

You can download your document in TXML format, the standard working file format used by WFA. This permits you, for example, to send the file to a colleague for review using Wordfast Anywhere or Pro. Once reviewed and corrected, you can upload it again.

To download your working file go to Save16.png Download button on File tab and choose Bilingual TXML.


If your translation is incomplete or contains provisional segments or notes, you will receive this warning:


At this point you have the choice to accept (OK) or cancel (Cancel) to return to your translation. If you accept, you will need to consider the following dialog:


You can optionally instruct WFA to copy the source segment to the target segment if it is blank (check Copy source to target if target is empty) and/or to ignore language variations, e.g. to not make a distinction between British and American English (check No language variants).

Choose the way to download the file and click OK to donwload the file.

3.8.2 Merging TXML files

If you already have a file in TXML format you can upload it to your workspace. To do this go to File tab and click on the Mergetms16.png Merge Txml button. At this point you must complete the following dialog box:


By checking Merge an existing document, all documents that exist in your workspace will be listed according to language pair, and you will have to choose which will be merged with the file you intend to upload.

You can also set WFA to update the TM corresponding to the file you upload (check Update or create a TM with a bilingual document). Check Merge an existing TM and choose which TM to update from the list displayed. You will also need to determine whether, in the case of identical source segments, new TUs should be added to existing ones (Keep existing TUs) or whether they should replace them (Overwrite existing TUs). If, on the other hand, you prefer to create a new TM, click on Create a new TM. At this point, you will have the opportunity to give this new TM a name, if you have more than one TM for the same language pair. Then click Upload to upload the file or Close to exit without doing anything.

Note that operations performed on the document are independent from memory-related operations, allowing you to update only the document, or only the memory, or both. If you have clicked Upload, you will receive the following message:


Click Browse to navigate through your directories and select your file, then click Submit to perform the upload or Cancel to cancel the operation. After the merge operation has been successfully performed, a report will appear showing how many segments were merged.


3.8.3 Other downloads

You can also download the working file as an MS-Word (*. doc) file containing bilingual segments, usable by Wordfast Classic (and Trados Workbench).


This will allow your document to be proofread by a Wordfast Classic user. Caution, this download is only available for files formatted as .doc and .rtf. Unlike the TXML file, this format cannot be imported into WFA.

To download your working file in bilingual MS-Word format, go to File tab and click on the Download button and choose Bilingual Doc original option. This option is only available if your source file is a MS Word file.


If your translation is incomplete or contains provisional segments or notes, you will receive this warning:


At this point you have the choice to accept (OK) or cancel (Cancel) to return to your translation. If you accept, you will need to respond to the following message:


Following the same steps you can download this other files:

  • Your working file as an MS-Word (*. doc) file containing bilingual segments without placeholders Bilingual. To do this, go to Save16.png Download button on File tab and choose Bilingual DOC no placeholders option.
  • Your working file as an MS-Word (*. doc) file containing bilingual segments with placeholders Bilingual. To do this, go to Save16.png Download button on File tab and choose Bilingual DOC with placeholders option.
  • Your working file as an MS-Word (*. doc) file containing bilingual segments with tag-content as placeholder. To do this, go to Save16.png Download button on File tab and choose Bilingual DOC tag content option.
  • Your translated file, in plain text format, without any formatting. To do this, go to Save16.png Download button on File tab and choose Unformatted Text option.

3.8.4 Find & Replace

It is often necessary to locate a word or text string in a file that has been translated. For this we use the Doc Find and Replace function. Go to Edit tab and click on the FindReplace.png Find & Replace button.

As with other functions that require the current segment to be closed, you will receive a warning that the current segment will be closed without being saved. If you agree, click OK, otherwise click Cancel to cancel the transaction and save your work.

Warning.png By default search is only done on Target segments. Use the CollapseBottom.gif button to show advanced search options and the result from the search.


Find & Replace dialog has 4 tabs performing different actions.

  • Use Find tab to locate a word or text in your document.
  • Use Find/Replace tab to locate and replace a word or text in your document.
  • Use Go to Segment tab to search for single segments (1,5,68,499) or a range of segments (25-66).
  • Use Miscellaneous tab to perform different types of searches such as look for provisional or untranslated segments, or segments with notes or tag differences.

Notice.png You can use the CollapseBottom.gif button to show advanced search options and the result from the search.

Warning.png Not all the options are always available. Find

Use Find tab. Type the word or text you want to find and click Find button to start a search. When search is done hits are highlighted and the number of hits is shown on the dialog.


Warning.png By default search is only done on Target segments. Use the CollapseBottom.gif button to show advanced search options and the result from the search.

SR7.png Replace

Use Find/Replace tab. Type the word/text you want to find and the word/text you want it replaced for and click Find button to start a search. When search is done hits are highlighted and the number of hits is shown on the dialog.


It may happen that Replace, Replace/Find and Replace All buttons are not available. This happens because the first search does not move you to the first hit, you have to click again Find to move to the next hit and then replace buttons will be available. Use them to replace, replace and move to next hit or replace all hits.

Replace can only be done on Target segments. Use the CollapseBottom.gif button to show advanced search options and the result from the search. Go to Segment

Use Go to Segment tab. Use it to find specific segments. This can be an alternative to Outline. You can type single segments separated by commas (1,5,68,499) or a range of segments (25-66).


Use the CollapseBottom.gif button to show advanced search options and the result from the search. Miscellaneous

Use Miscellaneous tab. This 6 types of search do not require to type a word/text but will help you locate segments with some particularities. This can be an alternative to >Outline.


You can search for:

  • Provisional segments.
  • Untranslated segments.
  • Segments with Tag difference.
  • Segments with Notes.
  • Segments with Double spaces.
  • Segments with Revisions.

Use the CollapseBottom.gif button to show advanced search options and the result from the search. Advanced search options

Using theCollapseBottom.gif button you can access some advanced search options:


  • Search for Whole Word.
  • Do a Case sensitive search.
  • Search for words that start/end by the characters using * as a joker. For example searching for *able will find: movable, payable, breakable,...etc. And searching for hand* will find: handbag, handmade, handbook,...etc
  • Search on Source, Target or both. This can only be used in Find tab.
  • Mark each found target as provisional.
  • Create a note for each replaced segment.
  • Update the TM for each replaced segment.
  • Do a wrap search
  • Change search direction: Backward or Forward.

3.8.5 Analyze

Before providing a translation quotation, you may wish to analyze the source text to determine the extent of the work required. WFA provides an analytical tool for this purpose. To do this, go to File tab and click on the Analyze button and choose Analyze. If your file is big and you do not want to wait, choose Analyze in Background.

A progress message is displayed on the status bar. Then the analysis results will be displayed:


According to the number of repetitions (identical segments that appear more than once in the document) or the percentage of segments that correspond either completely (100%) or partially (<100%) to matches in the TM, you will be able to precisely estimate the volume of work actually requiring to be translated. After having examined the analysis report, click Close.

3.8.6 Statistics

WFA allows you to see what progress you have made with your translation at any time. To do this, go to File tab and click on the Statistics16.png Statistics button.

A statistical report on your translation will be displayed:


You will see the number of source and target segments (with the percentage already translated in brackets); the number of source and current target words; the number of source and target tags and if there is any segmental discrepancy in terms of differences between the number and content of the source and target tags (segments with tag difference); the number of segments not stored in the TM (segments flagged not saved in TM); the number of provisional segments (provisional segments) and notes (segments with notes). The report also displays which segments remain to be translated. After viewing the statistics, click Close.

Another important indicator is always present on the status bar: it tells you on which segment you currently are in relation to the total number of segments in the document. In this example, the document has 149 segments in total and you are currently on the 68:


3.8.7 Alignment

Warning.png This tool is not managed by WFA in case there is any problem use the Help in the tool, the third tab, to report your problem. You can also sent an email to [email protected]

When you begin to translate with a CAT tool you may not be able to derive the maximum benefit from it if you do not yet have a translation memory. Or, a client may have source and target documents from a previous translation but cannot supply you with a TM. In this case, you can quickly derive a TM by performing an "alignment" on the documents you have already translated prior to using WFA for your translation work by using the alignment tool.

To do this, go to Wordfast Anywhere tab and click on the WF Update16.png AutoAligner button.

A new page will open, displaying the following dialog:


Follow the instructions to upload the files and align them to get the TM from the alignment.

Check this video about how to use this tool.

You can then upload this TM to be used in WFA.

Warning.png This tool is not managed by WFA in case there is any problem use the Help in the tool, the third tab, to report your problem. You can also sent an email to [email protected]

3.8.8 Preview

Check Preview

3.8.9 Transcheck

Check Transcheck

3.8.10 Spellcheck

Check Spellcheck

3.8.11 Pretranslation

Warning.png This option is only available when the document is closed.

Go to Translate All NO Editor16.png Pre-translation button on File tab to open the dialog:


Configure how you want the pre-translation to run:

  • Activate Fuzzy matches
  • Set what to do when there is no match from the TM. For setting a MT check this
  • Leverage segment scores. Make sure the owner of the document (translation agency or company) has agreed to leverage empty segments.

If your file is big and has many segments run pre-translation in background by clicking on Pre Translate in background so you can keep working in other things. Otherwise use Pre-translate button run pre-translation. At the end of the process you'll get a report with the result.


3.8.12 Offline Review Tool

Use Offline review tool to review a file outside Wordfast Anywhere using a bilingual file and then update the changes.

To get the bilingual file go to Save16.png Download button on File tab and choose Offline review DOC.


This will download a bilingual file like this.


Notice.png Read the disclaimer on the download window and the instructions at the top of the file.

Warning.png Remember to add the tags on the target column as you would do on any translation. Missing tags can cause problems when merging back the file into WFA.

After editing only the target segments an saving the file you can import it to be merged with the file in Wordfast Anywhere. To do this go to File tab and click on the Mergetms16 menu.png Merge Offline Review button.


A report will be shown with the result of the merge.


3.8.13 Extract Frequents

Use Translate All NO Editor16.png Extract Frequents button on File tab to create anew file that will contain only the repeated segments of the document.

A first report is created showing the percentage of segments that have an occurrence greater than 2.


Set the minumum occurrence that you want to extract and click on Extract and Open to create a new file with the occurrence segments.

3.8.14 File information

Warning.png This option is only available when the document is closed.

Go to Modify Project16.png File Info button on File tab to open the dialog with information about the file:


3.8.15 Split file

Warning.png This option is only available when the document is closed.

You can split a file in 4 parts by using Split.png Split button on File tab.


For each part a txml file will be created with the corresponding part of the file. The name of the txml files will contain information about which part is. For instance _[1of2] means the file was splitted into 2 parts and that this file correspond to the first part.

By default files are splited in equally parts, but you can change this and set the boundaries that better suit you.


Downloading one of the splited parts will download a TXML file, but you can choose to download also the entire file in the original format.


Use Join.png Join button on File tab to put the parts together again.

Warning.png This option is only available when the document is closed.

3.8.16 Share file

Warning.png This option is only available when the document is closed and is selected from the list.

Warning.png Share is only possible between Wordfast Anywhere users.

You can share your document with several Wordfast Anywhere users. To do so go to Share.png Share on File tab.


Additional files can be added using Add button on the Document section of the dialogue. If the file belong to a package, all package documents will be added otherwise it will be all documents with the same source and target languages.

To start sharing click on Add button after the Document section to add a new guest. Repeat it to ad more guest users.

Share addGuest2.png

Warning.png Guest email must be a valid Wordfast Anywhere account.

For each guest two properties can be chosen:

  • Share as read-only. This means guest will only access the document in a read-only mode, but no edition will be allowed.
  • Keep online (not downloadable). This means guest will access the file but would not be allowed to download it.

Additionally, you can share a TM and/or glossary with the file.

To do it, use the buttons on the Translation Memories and Glossaries tabs

  • Linked to document will add the corresponding TM/glossary associated to the document.
  • Add will let you choose which TM/glossary with the same language pair you want to share
  • Remove will revoke the share on the selected TM/glossary from the list.

Once guests are added, they are presented on a list on the main dialogue. Any guest will be allowed edit rights unless Share as read-only is check. Owner will always have edit rights.

Share mainList2.png

Repeat this process to add more guests.

You can use Duplicate button to add a new guest with the same settings than a existing one. Use Revoke button to finish a share with a guest

Check History on the document to force the use of revisions in the document.

As owner and several guests can have edit rights a reservation system is used to ensure only one user can edit a segment at a time. When a user opens the document the free segments loaded in Document Panel will automatically reserved for him adding a green share icon at the end of the segment. Segments reserved by other users are shown with the same share icon but in red color.The reservation of segments will end when the user closes the document.

Share reserved.png

When a user opens a shared document that is being used by an other user a pop-up message is show to warn about that.

Share message.png

Also a notification is send to the other working users that a new user has opened the document.

Share notification.png

Jumping to the next block will release the previous segments and will reserve the new segments being loaded.

Warning.png There is no live update of the segments reserved by other users. Which means segments need to be refreshed manually on Document Panel by loading them again, for instance by jumping to a different block and back.

To help to know when a user closes the document and releases his segments, a notification is send to the other working users.

Share notificationEnd.png

To finish a share with a guest owner users need to use Revoke, and to remove all the shares use Revoke all. This is a button on the Share dialog (Share.png Share on File tab).

Guest users will not see the share dialogue. They should use Revoke.png Revoke on File tab to finish the share.

Warning.png Remember Share/Revoke are only available when the document is closed.

3.8.17 Offline Mode

On those situations when there is an internet connection cut or when WFA server is unavailable, WFA will turn on Offline Mode.

Offline Mode lets you work offline. It allows you to translate the segments that are currently loaded on the Document Panel.

The translated segments are stored locally and automatically committed to WFA server as soon as the connection is recovered.

If the TM you are using is writeable, TUs will be automatically updated from the document.

Warning.png Be aware that there will be some messages telling you about going in/out of Offline Mode and segments being saved. Some features will not be available during Offline Mode.

Warning.png This feature has nothing to do with Offline Review Tool (OFRT). For information about OFRT, check the index at the top of this Manual.

Warning.png We recommend not to close the browser till synchronization back is done.

3.9 WFA Configuration

3.9.1 Features and Shortcuts

Menu tab Feature Shortcut Icon Information
Translation Start translation / Next segment Alt+Down StartNext.png Starts a translation session by opening the currently selected segment / Commits the current segment to TM and opens the next segment.
Translation Previous segment Alt+Up Previous.png Commits the current segment to TM and opens the previous segment.
Translation Close & Commit Alt+End CloseSave.png Ends translation by closing the current segment and committing it to the TM.
Translation Close Shift+Alt+End Close.png Ends translation by closing the current segment without committing it to the TM.
Translation Close & Delete Alt+Delete Close restore.png Ends translation by closing the current segment and deleting the target with any note. Do not commit to TM.
Translation Provisional segment F10 Mark.png Marks a segment as provisional with a yellow Post-It.
Translation Copy Source Alt+Insert CopySource.png Copies the source segment over the target segment.
Translation Expand Alt+PgDn ExpandSeg.png Expands a segment, if it actually extends beyond the punctuation mark (wrong segmentation). Note that a segment cannot be extended beyond a paragraph mark, page break, tabulator, or table cell.
Translation Shrink Alt+PageUp ShrinkSeg.png Reverses any use of the Expand segment command or reduce the size of a segment.
Translation To Fuzzy Shift+Ctrl+PgDn TranslateUntilFuzzy.png Translates until a non-exact match is found.
Translation Toggle empty Ctrl+Alt+X Cleanup Project16.png Empty the target - remove the tags from the target - restore the original target.
Translation Auto Propagate Autopropagate.png Auto propagate segment change through all the document for same source segment.
Translation Toggle Placeable Ctrl+Alt+Up Dropdown.png Transforms all the terms in the source segment into placeables. If repeated, returns to the previous mode.
Translation Next Placeable Ctrl+Alt+Right Next Placeable16.png Selects the next placeable element in the source segment.
Translation Copy Placeable Ctrl+Alt+Down Copy Placeable16.png Places the selected transposable element from the source segment into the target segment, where the cursor is located (or replaces highlighted text in target segment).
Translation Previous Placeable Ctrl+Alt+Left Previous Placeable16.png Selects the previous placeable element in the source segment.
Translation Next word Tab Places the subsequent source word with letter + Tab
Translation Previous word Shift+Tab Places the preceding source word with letter+Shift+Tab.
Translation Target Height Ctrl+Alt+T Increase target.png Increases the height of the target segment for easier viewing.
Wordfast Anywhere Wordfast setup Ctrl+Alt+W Setup.png Opens the Wordfast Anywhere general setup dialog.
Edit Find & Replace Ctrl+Alt+R FindReplace.png Find and replace in the document.
Edit Edit Source Ctrl+Alt+K EditSource16.png Used to make minor corrections to the source segment.
Edit Edit Note Ctrl+Alt+J Edit Note16.png Allows you to create or edit a note.
Edit Insert Special Char 1-7 Shift+Ctrl+1,Shift+Ctrl+2... Insert c1.png Insert c1.png... Insert a special character. This is defined on Pandora's box #4.
Edit Case Changer Shift+F3 CaseChanger.png Toggle between lowercase, uppercase, and capitalization.
TMs and glossaries TMs and glossaries setup Preferences16round.png Opens the TMs and glossaries setup dialog.
TMs and glossaries Concordance search Ctrl+Alt+C ConcordanceSearch.png Performs a search in the TM and displays all segments containing the search term.
TMs and glossaries Glossary Search Ctrl+Alt+G GlossarySearch.png Search in the glossary for the word or phrase selected in the source segment.
TMs and glossaries Add term to glossary Ctrl+Alt+T TermEdit.png Pops up a glossary term entry form.
TMs and glossaries Copy TU Alt+right CopyTU.png Copy a TU from the TM panel to the target segment. If many, press many times, it will start by copying the second one assuming the first one is already copied. The TU can be a MT proposal.
TMs and glossaries Delete TU Ctrl+Alt+Backspace DeleteTU.png Delete from TM the current or selected TU visible in the TM panel.
TMs and glossaries Update TU Force tm addtu.png Commits to TM the source and target segment as a new TU or update an existing one.
TMs and glossaries Force TM search Force tm.png Perform a direct search (without cache) in the TM.
TMs and glossaries Force MT Force mt.png Forces the translation of the segment by the configured MT engines like Google Translate / Microsoft Translator.
View Outline pane Ctrl+Alt+D PanelOutline.png Closes or opens the Outline. The outline is a view of all the segments showing which ones are translated but also which ones have notes or are provisional.
View TM pane Ctrl+Alt+M PanelTm.png Closes or opens the TM pane.
View Glossary pane Ctrl+Alt+H PanelGlo.png Closes or opens the Glossary (Terminology) pane.
View Move next block Page Down MoveNextScreen.png Move to the next block of document's content.
View Move previous block Page Up MovePrevScreen.png Move to the previous block of document's content.
View First of Block Home Move first seg screen.png Positions the cursor on the first segment of the block.
View Last of Block End Move last seg screen.png Positions the cursor on the last segment of the page.
View First of Doc Ctrl+Home Move first seg doc.png Positions the cursor on the first segment of the document.
View Last of Doc Ctrl+End Move last seg doc.png Positions the cursor on the last segment of the document.

3.9.2 WFA Setup

The WFA Setup menu is accessible by the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+W or the Setup.png Setup button on Wordfast Anywhere tab.

Six tabs are visible: General, TM rules, Shortcuts, Segmentation, Pandora's box and QA. General tab

Several general settings can be don in this tab.

Wfasetup1.png Fonts

Font Size: this setting only affects the font size on the screen, your document will keep all its original layout unchanged. The available sizes are selected from the drop-down list.

Font Family: this setting only affects the fonts displayed on the screen, your document will keep its entire original layout unchanged. You can specify a specific font or a font family, for example Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif (sans serif font, default) or Times New Roman, Times, Serif (seriffed font). Target segment selection

Positions the mouse pointer at the opening of the segment, with or without selection.

  1. Cursor at start - no text selected, cursor positioned at the beginning of the segment.
  2. Cursor at end - no text selected, cursor positioned at the end of the segment. This is the default setting.
  3. Segment selected - The target segment is entirely selected. Fuzzy Threshold in %

Percentage of similarity required for a TU contained in the TM to be suggested as a translation of the source segment. If several TUs meet this criterion, the TU with the highest percentage will be offered. In this case you can select the subsequent TUs with CopyTU.png Copy TU button on TMs & Glossaries tab or using the corresponding shortcut (Alt + Right).

The default percentage (75%) is recommended for most translations, but in some cases it may be appropriate to change it. For example, if you are translating short segments containing only 3 words, a fuzzy threshold of 75% will only offer those TUs which are identical (100%) and those where two words are identical, i.e. 66%, will never be proposed. Record Revisions

Check this option if you want to save a record of the changes on translated segments. Enable Auto-Suggest

Check this option if you want to get suggestions while you type on a translated segment.

Auto-Suggest can be configured in Pandora's box #7 to add or remove items. Tab behavior

Check this option if you want to use click or hover for triggering events on Top Menu bar. Enable auto-hide buttons

Check this option to make toop toolbar buttons hide automatically. Enable Segment Tool Bar

Check this option to enable the Segment Tool Bar on Horizontal and Vertical views. You can customize it on Pandora's Box #15 TM rules tab

Here you have the opportunity to establish penalties to be taken into account when calculating the similarity between the TM and the segment to be translated. In other words, the percentage of similarity is reduced, where applicable, according to the figure indicated for each of the following rules. Some rules allow fractional reductions, but this only applies to the calculation: the final reduction will be the sum of all penalties rounded to the nearest whole number. If the percentage of similarity to the TU, reduced to the sum of the penalties, is less than the specified Fuzzy Threshold percentage, it will not be proposed.


Penalties for the following rules are activated only if the box on their right is checked. They apply only to the TUs proposed by the TM or VLTM, not from machine translation, which has its own non-modifiable penalty.

  • Case penalty: if there is a difference in case (upper and lower case) between the TU and the segment to be translated, WFA can ignore this and show 100% similarity. But you can assign a penalty of between 1 and 5 points for the difference in case. This rule is selected by default with a penalty of 1.
  • Non literal penalty: this penalty detects differences due to special characters such as dashes, quotation marks, apostrophes, punctuation and whitespace characters (non-breaking space, horizontal and vertical tabs, ...). There exist several codes for representing each of these special characters. WFA can ignore these and show 100% similarity; otherwise a penalty is calculated using the following method: every time a difference is encountered, it adds the value of the first parameter (0.25, 0.50 or 0.75), which by default is 0.50. The second parameter sets out what the minimum value of the penalty is (default is 1). Since the penalty is necessarily an integer, if the value of the penalty is 0.25 and there is only one in the segment to be translated, the minimum is not reached. Finally, the third parameter sets the maximum penalty to be assigned, even if the addition of all the differences of this rule exceeds that figure (10 by default). This rule is selected by default with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10.
  • Tag penalty: this rule works exactly the same way as the previous one, but applied to the tags (markers that represent the bits of code used to format the document <1>). This rule is selected by default with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10.
  • Alignment user penalty: the TUs found in a memory imported into WFA produced by an alignment tool and having the identifier "TALIGN!" may be assigned a penalty from 1 to 10. This rule is selected by default with a penalty of 3. Please note, TUs from an alignment may not have the "TALIGN!" identifier.
  • MT user penalty: the TUs found in a memory imported into WFA produced by machine translation and having the identifier "MT!" may be penalised from 1 to 10. This rule is selected by default with a penalty of 25. Please note, TUs from a machine translation may not have the "MT!" identifier.
  • Multiple translation penalty: In the case of a source segment with multiple 100% matches, i.e. several TUs having the same source segment but different translated segments, a penalty may be applied to warn of a possible choice between translations. This scenario is rare and no penalty is assigned by default.
  • Attribute penalty: attributes are identifiers that are associated with a particular TU at the time that it is recorded in the memory. There are five possible attributes: the first is fixed (it identifies the user who posted the TU), while the other four can be user defined. In general, translators use attribute no. 1 to define the subject of the text to be translated and the attribute no. 2 to define the client who owns the text. The other two attributes are free to be used for anything else. For example, if the proposed TU is from a text whose subject is "electronics", it will be penalised if the subject of the text to be translated is "medicine." In other words if the TU is 100% identical to the segment to be translated, it will be displayed with a percentage similarity of 98% if the penalty applied is 2 points.

The penalty can be a number from 1 to 5, valid for the four attributes. By default this rule is not active.

If you use a TM uploaded from Wordfast Classic or Pro, the existing attributes of the TU may be penalised. Shortcuts tab

You can set the shortcuts you want to use.


WFA shortcuts are not immutable. If some of them do not suit you, you can reassign them. To do this, click on the upd link of the shortcut you wish to change.


In this example, corresponding to the first shortcut, you see the name of the command and a drop-down list. Choose None if you want to remove the shortcut or choose another from the list. Then click Update to confirm or Cancel to dismiss the dialog. Repeat for all the shortcuts that you want to change. The new keyboard shortcuts will be displayed.

The last four commands have no shortcuts; however, you can assign shortcuts to them if you wish.

If after modifying several shortcuts you want to return them to their original state, click Restore default shortcuts.

Finally, click Save settings to confirm any changes or Cancel to dismiss the dialog. Segmentation tab

This tab defines the rules for segmentation.


  • Segmentation style: this block determines how the segmentation will be performed. If you choose Wordfast /Trados segmentation (default) the standard end-of-segment markers are defined as follows: full stop, colon, question mark, exclamation mark and tab (Tab). You can add other characters as well as space (Space), non-breaking space (NBSP), carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF). You can add as markers: a number followed by an end of segment marker (A number Followed by ESM ends a segment - default), an end of segment marker not followed by a space (An ESM without a trailing space ends a segment) and an end of segment marker followed by a space followed by a lowercase letter (An ESM followed by a space followed by a lower-case letter ends a segment). Although you can change these markers, it is recommended to maintain them in such manner that if you share your translations and your memories with other translators, all will follow the same rule.

Warning.png Segmentation is performed at the time of uploading the document to WFA. You cannot therefore change the rules applying to that document during the course of its translation.

The other segmentation rules that you can choose are:

  • Break segmentation: segmentation is done according to the end of paragraph character (carriage return) or the
    tag for HTML files.
  • Idiom segmentation: segmentation follows the rules of the software program Idiom.
  • SRX segmentation: the segmentation is done by using a previously uploaded file. It follows the rules of the SRX standard, which has become a standard like TMX for formatting memories and TBX for formatting glossaries. In the case of SRX segmentation, abbreviations are also included.
  • TM compatibility: You must ensure the compatibility according to the memory you have uploaded or the subsequent use of your documents. By default, WFA's memory is compatible with that of Wordfast Classic and Pro (Assume Wordfast TM). If this is your choice, you can also specify if you have old projects made with Wordfast Classic or Pro (check Legacy TM created by old projects). You can also establish that the memory was created by Trados (Assume Trados TM), even adding that it was created by Trados and Word (TM created by Trados + Word); by Idiom (Assume Idiom TM) or by SDLX (Assume SDLX TM).
  • Abbreviations: Abbreviations end with a full stop, which WFA then interprets as an end of segment marker. To avoid this, WFA allows you to create and manage a list of abbreviations. While WFA already has lists for some languages, others are empty - the user must provide the necessary information. The abbreviations are entered into the text box, one after another, without spaces and separated by a comma. Once updated, save your list by clicking on Save the language. Repeat for each language that you translate. Pandora's box tab

This tab has many different settings. Some of this settings will open a new dialog.

Wfasetup7.png #1 PC, tablet and smartphone modes

Use this mode if you are using a mobile device. The segment toolbar is enlarged; local file access is disabled. #2 Real time collaboration

Real time collaboration disables data caching. This forces the TM search before you open a segment, causing a response delay. Avoid using this mode unless sharing a TM and if the TU updates need to be shared immediately. #3 Document file name convention

Customize your document name for download by adding a prefix and/or a suffix. #4 Special characters insertion

Configure the 7 special characters insertion of the Edition tab. #5 Configure online dictionaries

Configure URLs for 2 online search engines.

  • Click "Add" to add a new dictionary.
  • After filling the "Friendly name" and "Url" correctly you need to use "Test" to check it works fine.
  • Use "Save" to add the dictionary to the list. Bear in mind that if the URL already exists it cannot be added.

If all worked fine, the list should have been updated and your dictionary available to be used.

The list does not use "Friendly name" to sort the dictionaries, so you need to check all the list to find the one you added.

In order to use one dictionary you need to select it from the list and save the settings. #6 Multiple Ctrl+Alt+Down toggles placeable

Use this feature to toggle between copy the target term, copy the source term, or leave blank. #7 Configure Auto-Suggest

Auto-suggest is activated at the General tab when clicking on Setup.png Setup button on Wordfast Anywhere tab.

On this section of Pandora's Box is where you can configure which suggestions will Auto-suggest show.


Auto-suggest can show different items such as: Glossary matches, tags, word from with a capital letter, numbers, file path, email addresses, URLs, chunks of Machine Translation, date and number conversion, text in parentheses (), text in braces {}, bracketed text [], word containing special character and unit conversion.

On the left there is a combo box to select the number of typed characters that will trigger auto-suggest to show up.

For date and number conversion there is a sub dialog, that can be opened by clicking on the Edit.png button on the left.


Here you can set how dates and numbers will be converted and shown in the auto-suggested text.

For dates you can choose a different format and separator. For instance source 2015.04.01 could be converted to 01/04/2015 on target.

For numbers you can choose a different group and decimal separator. For instance source 123.456,00 could be converted to 123 456.00 on target. #8 Configure Filters

Configure conversion of documents from their original format to the internal editor format.

For some files you can configure some parameters that will tell the filter what to do for some situations such as translate comments or sheet names.

You can make this configuration for: xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, doc, docx, rtf, htm, html, mif, idml, xml (Text based files).


On this section there are also 3 settings that will apply to any file.

  • Editor format. To choose which type of bilingual file (TXML or TXLF) the filter should produce.Warning.png The download bilingual file will be of the type used when the file was uploaded. For example if the file was uploaded using TXML, the bilingual download will be TXML. A file cannot be uploaded using one type (TXML) and download the bilingual file of the other type (TXLF). The workaround is to change the type and upload the file again.
  • Extract numbers. To define the filter action on source segments that contain only numbers.
    • all: Extracts all segments with only numbers for translation
    • time_date_measure: Extracts only segments with time and date
    • none: Does not extract any segments that contain only numbers
  • Segmentation on break. To enable segmentation on line breaks. #9 Configure double click to open/close a segment

Configure opening/closing actions on a segment by double clicking in the document panel. This is always active for mobile plain text mode.

Pandora101.png #10 Configure TM Search

Set the timeout for searches. After the timeout, the search is cancelled and returns nothing. The default value is 4 seconds. #11 Copy source when no TM match and no MT proposition

Copy source to target when no TM match and no MT proposition. #12 Do not show empty paragraph line in Classic view #13 Hide segment's IDs column on the Table view #14 Custom Tab settings

Dialog to choose which buttons will be placed on Custom tab. #15 Customize Segment Toolbar

Dialog to choose which buttons will be placed on Segment toolbar. Segment toolbar is enabled on General tab. #16 Copy untranslatable to target automatically and open next segment

Define what will be considered an "Untranslatable segment" which will be copied to target automatically and open next segment QA tab

Set here the criteria that will be used to conduct an audit of quality when doing a Transcheck


There are several criteria that can be checked, some of which can also be checked while translating (by using the second checkbox column under While Translating title).

Here is a short description:

  • Source & target lengths: Compares the character count between the source and target segments. You can set the minimum and maximum % of allowed character count for the target segment.
  • Empty target: Checks for an empty target segment. This is always checked while translating.
  • Numerical: Checks that the numerical values between the source and target segments are correct.
  • Placeable: Checks if the tags are copied correctly to the target segments. This is always checked while translating.
  • Forbidden chars: Checks if the target segment includes forbidden characters. You can set the list of forbidden characters that should not be included in the target segment.
  • Punctuations: Checks for consistency in punctuation between source and target segments. You can set the punctuation marks that should not be included in the target segment. Notice.png The transcheck punctuation only works on end of segmentation punctuation.
  • Untranslatable: Compares the source and target segments to check if the untranslatable content is consistent. You can set the untranslatable text that must be retained in the target segment.
  • Copied source: Checks for untranslated text when copied source option is used.
  • Blacklists: Checks if the target segment includes blacklisted terms. You can set blacklisted terms that should not be included in the target segment. Notice.png The blacklisted term list must be a tab delimited file (bad term + tabulation + proposed term).
  • Terminology: Checks if all term translations from an active glossary are used in the target of a segment. You can enable or disable Ignore Case option.
  • First word capitalization: Checks if the first letter of the segment is capitalized.
  • Edited exact match: Checks if any exact match segments from the TM have been edited.
  • Unedited fuzzy: Checks if any fuzzy match segments from the TM have been left unedited.
  • Source Consistency: Checks consistency between source segments if the target is repeated.
  • Target consistency: Checks consistency between target segments if the source is repeated. Machine translation

Click on MT tab to access the Machine Translation settings.


WFA gives you the ability to translate each segment by online translation services like Google Translate and Microsoft Translator. The translations proposed are not ever likely to be fully acceptable. However, by making a few small adjustments, you will be able to use them extensively in your translations.

Warning.png When using this service, the source segments that will return a translation are transmitted to Google and Microsoft. It is up to you whether or not to accept these translations; these companies are not made aware of your choice. However, be aware that sending the segments to Google and Microsoft may raise privacy issues between you and your customers.

Each MT engine has a window were to set it's settings. Bear in mind that some MT may require a personal ID or password.

  • Use Add button to add a new MT.
  • Use Edit the settings for the selected MT on the list.
  • Use Remove will delete the selected MT on the list.
  • Use Test to run a test on all the MTs with the active checkbox marked.

Warning.png To use a MT engine, it must be added to the list and with the "Active" checkbox marked.

On each MT engine window you can set its settings (i.e. the key or url). You can also set a particular values for

  • Engine timeout as in some cases (i.e. small segments) the MT requires more time to get back with a result.
  • Engine score value for each MT.
  • Details for extra information about the MT like the list of available languages.

Warning.png Each MT engine has a different set of available languages.

Finally, there are several general options such as

  • When to use the MT (when no TM match, when no TM full match, always)
  • Remove tags before sending to MT.
  • Use all available providers on force MT.
  • Do not copy MT proposition to target.
  • Enable MT for review (May slow down the revision process) Custom Machine translation

Warning.png Note: this section is DIY (Do It Yourself). Our hotline cannot assist in the customization of an MT engine, because that requires knowledge of the remote provider's specifications. However, public discussion groups may offer help.

If your remote Machine Translation provider is not listed (as a provider tab), you can use Custom tab to create a custom connector for it. This is only possible if your MT provider's API is using a REST standard, and returns results in a JSON, or similar, format. That is the case with major MT providers currently available with WFC (Google, Microsoft, WorldLingo, deepL, MyMemory, etc.).

In WFA's Machine Translation setup, go to the "Custom MT" tab.


Note the various elements:

  • URL: Tells WFA which is the url of the MT provider with the needed parameters.
    • {ss} will be replaced with the source segment to be translated. This parameter must be present.
    • {sl} and {tl} will be replaced with your given source and target language codes.
    • {key} will be replaced with the given API key
  • API Key: Some MT providers need a personal key, this is the place to add it.
  • Source language: Source language of the text, it corresponds to the {sl} parameter in the URL.
  • Target Language: Target language which will be the text translated to, it corresponds to the {tl} parameter in the URL.
  • POST: includes parameters that should be used with the POST method, concatenated like in the URL format. If the parameters needs to be in JSON format, choose the way how to write it (either URL encoded text to convert to JSON either a direct JSON string).
  • HEADER: includes parameters that need to be in the header of the request. The format is param:value. Put one parameter per line.
  • Json key: Some MT providers return the translated text in a parameter (translation, translatedTex...etc), this tells WFA how to spot the returned translated segment.

Once all the elements are set you can test the connection by using the Test button. Optionally you can change the text to be tested on the text box next to the button.

Let's assume your preferred MT provider is WorldLingo and we create a custom engine for it. You explore WorldLingo's API documentation. It essentially boils down to a query URL, with parameters. On Custom tab you can use:

Practical example:

Opening a browser, you begin by testing the URL. In the following example, the raw URL was customized for an English-to-French language pair, to translate "Hello World". Your real URL will look different, the following is an example based on WorldLingo:

You can try pasting the above URL into a browser's address bar. If things go well, the site will send a reply:

Bonjour le monde

Other MT providers may use a more complex JSON reply, in which case you specify the JSON key so that WFA can identify the result. Here the key is "translation" so you would use Json key => translation

{"responseData":{"translation":"Bonjour le monde","match":1} }

Your MT provider may require more parameters, such as a secret ID key (aka an API key), or other elements, in which case, you should hard-code those in the URL.

3.9.3 Profile Configuration

Go to User profile.png User Profile button on Wordfast Anywhere menu to see information about your account and change some settings of your profile.

Profileconfig1.png Change email

Since July 1, 2023 access to Wordfast Anywhere is done from

Edit your account to change the email. Change password

Check the Wordfast Anywhere Start Guide for more information. Delete account

Use this option to remove your account from Wordfast Anywhere.

Warning.png ## THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED. All your data on the server will be permanently deleted. ## Warning.png


4. Videos

You can watch videos in your language here. Languages are sorted alphabetically. If you do not see your language, and volunteer to make a video, contact us at [email protected].

Link Summary, author Date
AR - Arabic
YouTube video Wordfast Anywhere presentation. By Yasmin Moslem - [5:35] 3 October 2011
YouTube video You do not have Worfast Pro, but need to translate large TXML files, with large local TMs or Remote TMs? Use Wordfast Anywhere!. By Yasmin Moslem - [5:05] 21 October 2011
YouTube video How to use a Remote TM in Wordfast Anywhere. Demonstrated by: Yasmin Moslem - [1:57] 17 December 2011
EN - English video This webinar recording from's December 2010 Free Webinar Series is hosted by Wordfast LLC. This webinar will provide an overview of Wordfast Anywhere, the industry's largest free and completely confidential web-based TM tool. Wordfast Anywhere allows translators to work from anywhere they have a web-browser, accessing and sharing TM assets in a secure online translation environment. By Kristyna and Jamie [01:01:54] 10 December 2010
YouTube video How to translate a PowerPoint presentation with Wordfast Anywhere. By Dominique Pivard - [5:28] 2 October 2011
YouTube video How to upload a local translation memory (eg. one created in Wordfast Classic, or a TMX) to your Wordfast Anywhere account. By Dominique Pivard - [2:59] 11 October 2011
YouTube video How to convert a "dead" PDF (ie. a PDF with texts as graphics) using Wordfast Anywhere. By Dominique Pivard - [3:50] 12 October 2011
YouTube video Wordfast Anywhere and Google Translate API v2. By Dominique Pivard - [2:40] 20 October 2011
YouTube video How several translators located in various parts of the world can share a translation memory and a glossary with Wordfast Anywhere over the Internet in real time, for free. By Dominique Pivard - [4:37] 29 November 2011
YouTube video How to use a Remote TM in Wordfast Anywhere. Demonstrated by: Yasmin Moslem - [2:04] 15 January 2012
YouTube video How to use machine translation (MT) in all three Wordfast clients: Anywhere, Professional and Classic. Wordfast Anywhere and Wordfast Classic support up to three different MT providers: Google Translate, Microsoft Translator and Worldlingo. Demonstrated by: Dominique Pivard - [5:43] 15 April 2012
YouTube video TXML Translation Using Wordfast Anywhere. Demonstrated by: Yasmin Moslem - [4:54] 10 June 2012
YouTube video How to use Wordfast Online Aligner to create translation memories from old translations. By Yasmin Moslem - [2:59] 18 October 2012
YouTube video Convert a dead PDF with Wordfast Anywhere. By Dominique Pivard - [1:06] 5 June 2016
YouTube video Dictate in Wordfast Anywhere with Google Web Speech. By Dominique Pivard - [4:05] 5 June 2016
YouTube video Align documents with Wordfast Autoaligner. By Dominique Pivard - [1:20] 5 June 2016
YouTube video Remove shortcut conflicts with FireFox. By Fi2Pro - [3:18] 30 August 2016
YouTube video First steps with Wordfast Anywhere (2016 edition). By Dominique Pivard - [8:54] 18 October 2016
YouTube video Share Translation Memories between Wordfast Pro 3 and Wordfast Anywhere. By Fi2Pro - [4:46] 7 December2016
YouTube video WFA Quick Tips: Fast Glossary entry. Multiple terms!. By Fi2Pro - [1:13] 15 June 2017
YouTube video WFA Quick Tips: Configure your segment toolbar for speedy functions!. By Fi2Pro - [2:57] 22 June 2017
YouTube video WFA Quick Tips: Change Working Languages. By Fi2Pro - [2:53] 30 June 2017
YouTube video WFA Quick Tips: Handle Studio SDLXLIFF file, full return trip!. By Fi2Pro - [6:10] 13 July 2017
YouTube video WFA Quick Tips: Batch Language Config. By Fi2Pro - [2:21] 21 July 2017
YouTube video WFA Quick Tips: Record Revisions. By Fi2Pro - [4:41] 15 August 2017
YouTube video WFA Quick Tips: Delete Revisions. By Fi2Pro - [2:53] 27 September 2017
YouTube video WFA Quick Tip: Use Custom Tabs. By Fi2Pro - [3:37] 31 December 2017
YouTube video Change WFA U.I. language. Translate it & get REWARDS!. By Fi2Pro - [3:40] 6 April 2018
YouTube video Connect Wordfast Pro 5 to your remote TMs and glossaries: WFA cloud power!. By Fi2Pro - [13:37] 1 June 2018
YouTube video DeepL: see it perform - subscribe - and connect it to your CAT tool. By Fi2Pro - [6:39] 9 July 2018
YouTube video Kantan: Introduction to a confidential and customized Machine Translation. By Fi2Pro - [9:21] 07 February 2019
YouTube video Wordfast Anywhere 6 Basic Projects. By Fi2Pro - [6:20] 02 August 2021
FI - Finnish
YouTube video PowerPoint kääntäminen Wordfast Anywherella. By Dominique Pivard - [5:27] 26 September 2011
FR - French
YouTube video Comment traduire un document PowerPoint avec Wordfast Anywhere. Réalisé par Dominique Pivard - [5:01] 30 September 2011
PT - Portuguese
EN YouTube video with PT subtitles Este video destina-se aos tradutores que trabalham com o WFA - Wordfast Anywhere. By Dominique Pivard and Nubio Nunes Revoredo - [5:28] 11 November 2011